Bummietwattd4 wotever he is asked who he was in the pictures like

not Grippa the other fooker:rolleyes:
or the skinny tit either:D
so he got them........... i would now like him to publicly apologise to greenie then the rest of the forum for being a massive thundercunt! that goes for his little buddy that said greenie was a thief too

I bet neither of them have the balls to publicly apologise, I would love to see it, but doubt it will happen!
Well its all sorted i'm happy to say.

Today, K5spasser received a box with two fluffy kittens, Rover and Ron. They were dead but this doesn't void the sellers obligations as they were purring like a kitten when he suffocated them with sellotape.

All's well that ends well. Burp.

So he got them after all, wot a surprise eh. Who would've believed that - wait a minute, only 99.999999999% of the whole bloody forum that's who.

Maybe now he'll stop snivelling & slink off to all those "better" "superior" forums with fantastic morals that he kept whining about.
So he got them after all, wot a surprise eh. Who would've believed that - wait a minute, only 99.999999999% of the whole bloody forum that's who.

Maybe now he'll stop snivelling & slink off to all those "better" "superior" forums with fantastic morals that he kept whining about.

Get the feeling Storm might have been taking the ****, starting to believe k5 has got it though, been a couple of days now and nothing posted.

if it has arrived i dont think greenie or anyone will get an apology, hes more likely going to skulk off somewhere else without comment after putting his toys back in his pram ;)
has this turned up yet?Greenie still aint logged on to give his side yet.
MAYBE HE'S DEED :eek: or sumwun in family , or he's lost his phooter connection, or he has taken the dosh and gone to live a life of luxury on the ill gotten gains :D:D:D the durdy bastid;)
Feck Me........Look Who's shown his face:eek:
And with the weather being perfect for a Barbeque.

Yup got me trousis tucked into me socks ready too :D :D

so this picture represents everyone on this site?
Ive never met anyone in this picture, or the other you posted.
And i still think your a dick.

ebay feedback dont count for ****.Id rather take a memeber on heres word for it.


What a fred, talk about sortin the chaff out from the wheat :rolleyes:

Oi Si where's me stickers :confused: :D :D

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