
New Member
Whilst swapping sim cards we dropped a mobile phone battery between the drivers seat and transmission [?] tunnel.:doh: $%£*&%!!! Think the battery might have migrated under the black trim/cowling [rear left driver's seat anchor point]. Hopefully this [trim] is easily removable? If anyone knows how to lift this without harm it would be marvelous. Also how to remove/replace front forward trim under seat in case the battery is somewhere else down there.

It's not designed for easy cleaning is it?

"What is cleaning?" I hear you ask?

Range Rover Sport TDV8 2010
Car's a bit new for most on here so probably very few had them apart yet. In any event you'd best get it out somehow otherwise the terminals could short out on something and then you'll have real fun. Can you feel it beneath the carpet or is it wedged somewhere? Lump of blue tac or one of these sticky blobs on the end of a pick up tool could get it if you can locate a corner. Could it be in the seat runner?
I know that this may sound a bit drastic but it's sometimes easier to remove the seat that fiddle about with bits of trim where you can't easily see.
get a new battery - donate the old one to the guy that will be owning your car 12 years from now and who has bought a new interior on ebay ...... :)
get a new battery - donate the old one to the guy that will be owning your car 12 years from now and who has bought a new interior on ebay ...... :)

Since this is a JLR retired managers vehicle, hard to shift, but nice to have on your drive to upset the neighbours you may have a point there! Driving it with one eye on the instant MPG readout is still only giving not quite 24 mpg. Tootling around is like throwing money out of the window. Are well enjoy it while you can - you can always sit in it and get a warm bot:D. Thankfully it's not a V8.
i put my hand down the side of my seat, found sticky things what a mess wont go down their again, and as far as 24 mpg im lucky to get 19.5 mpg, thinking of buying shares in esso,

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