Len had a bit of trouble on this trip when the tucker wagon had tipped over and caught fire. It was also home to a substansial water tank and legend has it that by the time Len and the others realised what had happened and driven back, the water in the tank was boiling. As the contents of truck we scattered around, Len scooped up some tea leaves in his mug, took out his service revolver and plugged a hole in the tank so he could fill the mug with boiling water!
There are still some bibs and bobs of the truck at the original sight.
The actual truck has been relocated to the Kiwirrkurra Aboriginal Community and partially restored
Never a shortage of camels out here
Or great sunsets..
Or long, straight , dirt roads…
Or abandoned communities…
Complete with “one holers”
And a John Deere tractor where at least the front half looks OK!
The Desert She Oaks provide great shade for the weary traveller
Whilst the road now deviates from the original a bit, the original is often still visible and with a bit of bush bashing, you could follow a fair bit of it. Unfortunately the trees seem to grow better where the grader has been that where the soil is virgin.
Jupiter’s Well was originally drilled as permanent water for a Mapping crew but eventually came into disrepair.
The new well is not far away but in a much better place for those who might camp overnight..in fact it is a great spot to camp with lots of Desert She Oaks for shade and crystal clear water which can be pumped up with a hand pump
As I have said, the road has deviated from Lens original but thankfully they have taken the time to retain the original signs (with replicas) and they can still be found and visited
Sometimes I just couldn’t help but travel on the original track
Gary Junction is the where the Gary Junction Rd meets the Gary Highway
The original road headed to Well 33 on the Canning Stock Route but they don’t advertise it these days and only a discerning few take the trouble to take it.
There is the easy way of course…
But I sure a hell didn’t come all this way to take the easy way!
The big screen came in very handy on this section as the track was very difficult to navigate in sections…
Well 33 is an oasis in this harsh and arid land
And a great place to bunk for the night…
