
New Member
Can anybody offer any sage advise... I have recently bought a P38 2.5 Turbo Diesel which is absolutely pristine and covered approximately 1000 miles in the short time i have had it (It's a 1997 with 59,000 miles on the clock)..
In crawling/stop start motorway hold up driving when the revs are low the engine will "start missing" or Juddering for the ease of explanation. This is really disconcerting and although it never actually stopped i thought we were looking at a breakdown.. If the engine was revved the engine would pick up instantly and would go back to it's normal silky tickover.. When it does it it's really bad and wondered if anyone had a similiar experiance.
For additional information it returns approximately 21-23 mpg which i am reading is pretty bad.. Previously i just thought that was normal in something that weighs the same as a small planet..
In crawling/stop start motorway hold up driving when the revs are low the engine will "start missing" or Juddering for the ease of explanation. This is really disconcerting and although it never actually stopped i thought we were looking at a breakdown.. If the engine was revved the engine would pick up instantly and would go back to it's normal silky tickover.

hmm, trying to decipher quite what you mean. Are you saying when you are crawling along in a hold up and very lightly pressing the throttle you get a sort of judder from the engine and when you completely remove your foot from the throttle it stops?? Or are you saying that sometimes when crawling along with NO throttle applied its juddering and missing??

-Wills :)
Hi Wills,
When crawling the judder starts.. Once the judder has started it continues even if you dip the clutch (It's a manual).. If you rev the motor and let it go back to idle the judder stops.. It feels pretty terminal when it happens however it will clear and you can drive on. It could be in my head from then but it just doesn't feel quite right..

These things can be difficult to describe in text (Can't use juddery hand movements to explain).. The judder feels like the whole engine is running out of balance! & the bit in my head! once you rev through the problem, it feels less smooth than usual "sort of out of balance"..

It doesn't do it all the time although on the motorway it seemed to be getting worse and worse.. Then parked at a services for 1/2 hour and it drove home great with the cruise set at 70ish...:confused:
Hi Bunter
Mine's just the same. It's worse in hot weather and changing the tank pump didn't fix it. There are many posts on here dealing with this problem, with lots of different suggestions, so I'm trying the leak-off pipes tomorrow! It's the only thing that is spoiling a brilliant car. My fuel consumption is 22-23 round town, 29-30 on a run at 65-70mph
hmmm, when you posted it I originally though of this TSB (technical service bulletin) - tis a bit long and most of it is detailing using Testbook but it sounds very much like the problem you are having...




At the top it says all diesel derivatives but then it refers to specific VIN ranges at the bottom. Does your P38 fall into any of the affected VIN's (if you have to go outside to find your VIN cause you cant recall it off the top of your head your not a hardcore LR enthusiast ;):D)??

-Wills :)
Thank you for your help with this problem... My vehicle does fall into the affected VIN number catagory :)eek: "Oh Pants, it's gona cost").
I would say that the technical bulletin is spot on calling it a 900 RPM surge/resonance. That's pretty much bang on the money where it happens.. It's never been a case of me labouring the engine as a friend politely enquired!! so i think you may well have got the answer. It's always in that crawling above tickover Tesco car park, or stop start motorway traffic situation.. (I was certain as soon as i saw the numbers my VIN was affected, but still had to double check, so don't know whether that makes me a nut, freak, anorak or sad git really)..

Thanks again..

Seems like your in the same boat as me then.. But thanks for your input..
Hi Wills,

Curious to know where you got the technical bulletin from. Are they available to anyone? They look like an interesting read!!

Hi Wills,

Curious to know where you got the technical bulletin from. Are they available to anyone? They look like an interesting read!!


They are included in RAVE under the Tech Bulletins section. Obviously it doesnt have the latest and greatest bulletins but most ones for the P38 are in there.

-Wills :)
Hi My P38 DSE has the engine judder but only when the engine is cold.It runs great when the engine is warm after about 15-20 minutes of running. Would this be the same answer to fix it? My VIN number does come in the ones listed in this bulletin? Please help this problem is making a great car nasty to drive.
Bunter For additional information it returns approximately 21-23 mpg which i am reading is pretty bad..[/quote said:
holy cow! im getting between 17.9 and 18.3 mpg on the computer, 1999 2.5 dse, have i got a problem? lol
Bunter: I realise that this first thread is from a while ago but our P38 manual box diesel engined RR did this too. Main dealer and independents all had a look and various expensive things were proposed up to £1500 for various electrical components.The fault? The plastic clip that limits the accelerator pedal from going too far back up(disrupts the radio signal I believe). Kneel down and make sure this isn't the problem first! No probs for the last 3 years. Revs at 750.

I should explain that the clip had cracked allowing the pedal to sit perhaps 3mm higher than it should have.
Sounds like a fuel pump to me, I and a sim, problem, did loads off work on her to try and sort it out and spent ££££££ but now I no its got all new bits, when I did the pump what a diff, more power better pulling away, and I DO as I tested it, around the town I get 31.6 miles to a gal, and on a long run 45.2 miles before she run out of fuel? mind you I don't kick the arse out of just normal gear changes 3. 3.5 revs curse on a motorway 60/65 but I think you'll find its the fuel pump?
I own a P38 DSE Auto, :cool: I get 21 MPG around town and 31 MPG on a long run.....which is amazing for such a big motor.

Here in traffic free France, I get 25 to 26mpg on local runs and 30 to 32 on the autoroute cruising at 130kmh in my P38 year 2000 auto, I even got 22mpg lugging the caravan around Yorkshire! :D:D:D These are brim to brim figures, not from the onboard computer which is somewhat optimistic.
Just found this post... interesting. I seam to have the same issue and yes... my auto dse is in the Vin range. I also think that my ECU has been chipped. My questions:

a) Can I just plug and play the replacement box?
b) Can you test the old box for the fault across any pins?
c) If the ECU has been re-chpped, then would this make any problems for me on the change over or replacement box (plan B would be a second hand unit.)
my DT does this juddering first thing in morning, but also has a knocking noise. sounds more like internal engine banging. maybe the crank. but sorts itself after about 10 mins. the revs drop slightly then the juddering starts and the noises, rev it and it goes back to normal. but just changed my fuel pump cos it juts stopped working all of a sudden so hopefully this might cure it, otherwise i will check that clip that was mentioned.

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