niiice work glad you enjoyed ;)

It was a blast, we had a really good time and saw a lot of great countryside.

I spy that you're only just over the border in Wales, get out on the lanes much in Wales? Always fancied the Strata Florida but heard it can be quite damaging!
looks like a great day out, let me know when your next going, will tag along :)

We really need to get the band back together for another day out :)

Gonna throw it out there for the 20th or 27th May to see if we get any takers.
It was a blast, we had a really good time and saw a lot of great countryside.

I spy that you're only just over the border in Wales, get out on the lanes much in Wales? Always fancied the Strata Florida but heard it can be quite damaging!
hi sorry been busy lol ive done strata a few times and usedb to do sarn helen but alot of it shut now due to maniacs too sad but its getting worse being in response 4x4 is great you get to go on days out green laning :))
hi sorry been busy lol ive done strata a few times and usedb to do sarn helen but alot of it shut now due to maniacs too sad but its getting worse being in response 4x4 is great you get to go on days out green laning :))

Not sure how your schedule works Alan but I would certainly be up for a trip out to South Wales later in the summer if you fancied meeting up for a day out laning?

Perhaps we could get a few lads out for a camping weekend too?
I have been busy on the Rusty one.

Today was getting the second alternator mounted on top of the timing case.

It's quite involving, I knew it wasn't a bish bash bosh jobby but blimey :rolleyes:

Fitted the double crank pulley, this is the same as is used for 200Tdi engines fitted with airco.


If you already have the pulley fitted then lucky you, I had to fit mine but no hardship as it was a good excuse to get in there and do the timing belt, wanted to go off laning with the lads before fitting the alternator so put it all back together and decided to do it all at a later date.

So the alternator has to be slackened off and the PAS pump too and the belts removed.



Even though the PAS pump belt is the only one in the way, you have to slack the alternator off as well due to the adjuster arm being hinged off the PAS pump bracket on this bolt here.


The alternator mount uses the AC pump mounts on the top of the timing belt housing and is secured with 4 M10 bolts using flat washers and spring washers.


The injection pump cover plate is replaced with the belt tensioner mount, you can just see the mounting stub above, this is the idler pulley.



Mounting the alternator uses the rest of the bolts in the appropriate places with washers, the adjuster arm is spaced out from the mount using three washers from the kit and there is a guard in the kit to protect the water pump bypass pipe that uses a bolt from the water pump and the lower adjuster mounting bolt to hold it in place.


The belt is a tight fit with it being new, the alternator will need adjusting in the near future once the belt has bedded in and stretches a little, the idler had to be levered just off the water pump pulley to get it to fit, there are merely a few millimeters between the idler and water pump but this can be adjusted out further once the belt has stretched a little.


To ensure that the alternator has good earth I made up a short lead and using the mounting bolts connected it to the injection pump mounting stud that I also use as an extra earthing point from the chassis to the engine.


That's all I had time for today as I had other chores to do but the next instalment will be wiring up the terminals to the battery, voltmeter and to the warning lamp on the dash.
The new relay and fuse boxes turned up from MIC tuning, found these on Amazon but available all over eBay too (but please be warned, check where they are coming from! Some sellers are in China and Hong Kong so you could be waiting several weeks.).






Looking forward to tidying up the abundance of relays under the bonnet and having some space for the future additions.
Oh lordy, now hunting down 25sqmm cable for the alternator, I was sure I had some spare but turns out I used it for another project :oops:

Would really like to get this wrapped up so I can do the diff guards next, once I've found the cable I'll finish up the fitting of the second alternator, didn't get back until 8pm tonight so hardly had any time to spare :(
I am shocked, stunned and a little amazed by the actual gauge of the cable, 25mm sq is may heavier than the original alternator cable on my 200Tdi with it's 65A alternator, to the point where I am thinking that maybe I should swap that out for the same or at least 10mm sq that I have in my stores as that is heavier than the original cable.

It's been an evening of fettling and messing around, battery light and volt meter fitted in the console surround, even fitted a proper 2 pin plug on the wiring so it is detachable.



Routed the cable over the top of the alternator and followed the crank case breather pipe over to the battery.



Decent crimped terminals with a small heat shrink covering what was left exposed of the cable after crimping.


I've only got the relay and a fuse to fit and it's job jobbed.

That's for tomorrow though, it has been really enjoyable but it is very time consuming wiring up the plugs and running cables all over the place.
Christ on a bike that pic of the battery warning light and volt meter is bad, I'll take a better one today when it's all back together.
As promised, a better pic :)


And a few more snaps of wiring an stuff.

This was the pinching of a new ignition switched live feed, used M&F terminals as I may want to remove all this in the future and this makes it much tidier.


The other end of the double wire connector that went down under the dash.


And with the relay all wired in and everything done I checked the lamp illumination and volt meter, just have to wait until tomorrow to test it fully with the engine running but I am confident that it's all going to be fine (famous last words hey :oops:)


Happy days, one step closer to getting it all back together and tidied up as I want, I'm my own worst enemy as I tend to procrastinate over where and how I want things, not to worry, it'll all come good in the end.
It was a blast, we had a really good time and saw a lot of great countryside.

I spy that you're only just over the border in Wales, get out on the lanes much in Wales? Always fancied the Strata Florida but heard it can be quite damaging!
My standard height D1 on 245/75’s made it through unscathed, it’s every bit as entertaining as you’ve heard! Forget the name of it now but I did mate the front indicator and wing with a bank during a climb on another lane.
My standard height D1 on 245/75’s made it through unscathed, it’s every bit as entertaining as you’ve heard! Forget the name of it now but I did mate the front indicator and wing with a bank during a climb on another lane.

I am trying to get a road book going for a trip into the mid West of Wales, start with a camping over night on the Friday, Saturday lane it down to the South West corner and then Sunday lane it back across towards Bristol and then home.

It's a massive area to find all the lanes and I am clueless as to where to start with BMX files and GPRS coordinates and how to start all that malarky is a little beyond me at the minute :oops:
BMX files and GPRS coordinates

LOL, GPX files......I highly recommend llanerchinda farm as a base point ,if you can get a few of you and book one of the guest houses it works out quite cheap self catering , spent a week there in March had a great time lots of lanes around including Strata Florida.

Oh boy am I happy today, I checked it over and the lights all came on last night, but it was late and my neighbours are grumpy o waited until today to test my wiring skills.

Needless to say that I am on it like a car bonnet, worked flawlessly and I am well chuffed :D

The lamps and meter all working as it should last night.


And this morning whilst checking it was all working as it should with the engine running.


And I also fitted a 52mm Durite volt meter in the dash pod to fill in the blank and compliment the oil pressure and boost gauges :cool:


It's a never ending mission to bring it up to the standard and capability that I want.

But every step forward is a step in the right direction.
Almost forgot to add the additions of an inline mini-blade 10A fuse and the mini-blade sized one way diode that I fitted in the system.


The diode.


I spent the most part of today putting new shelving and tidying up all my tools and stuff, trying to bring some sense of order to the chaos, found a lot of stuff I didn't realise I had, more spares, more cable, even found a cordless drill that I thought I had lost about a year ago, needed done, and so I should now be a bit quicker in my finding and of spares and tools when I decide to play spanner monkey :)

Next on the agenda is to get the new relay boxes installed to tidy up the relays for the headlights, horn and light bar, should be able to pre-make a lot of it on the dining table sitting in a comfy chair whilst watching telly :)
Gauges look mint. I take it the oil is electrical signal and not mechanical?

Yeah, I know capiliary gauges are more accurate over time but I'm not a fan of hot oil lines running into the cab.

This is the pressure sender on the mounting bracket I made for it.


Fitted it to a T piece with a new oil pressure switch on a remote line off the filter housing as it all seemed a little vulnerable down there.
Yeah, I know capiliary gauges are more accurate over time but I'm not a fan of hot oil lines running into the cab.

This is the pressure sender on the mounting bracket I made for it.

View attachment 149560

Fitted it to a T piece with a new oil pressure switch on a remote line off the filter housing as it all seemed a little vulnerable down there.
Tidy work!

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