Fancy doing it in the sun down here love to spend some time chewing the fat with you guys...

Ooooh, this sounds like a winter sun break and a bit of a road trip :)

Some nice Portugese red and BBQ'd sea bass with fresh picked limes, blimey, this is sounding more like a Mills & Boone crossed with Delia Smiths cook book LOLZ
Fancy doing it in the sun down here love to spend some time chewing the fat with you guys...
Ooooh, this sounds like a winter sun break and a bit of a road trip :)

Some nice Portugese red and BBQ'd sea bass with fresh picked limes, blimey, this is sounding more like a Mills & Boone crossed with Delia Smiths cook book LOLZ

I'll bring loads of fuel since yous have fk all :p

Im well up for a road trip to the sun :cool:
I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a MIG at some point - I daren't start prodding the rusty bits on the D2 body yet though, not while the engine is still in bits anyway.
Which hobby would that be? :D
She remarked how I'm always outside working on my Rusty, put her straight and made it clear that it's not just a car, it's a hobby in terms of spannering and off road driving, turns out I can be quite aggressive in the defence of my not so Rusty 200Tdi Land Rover Discovery :eek: :):D
She remarked how I'm always outside working on my Rusty, put her straight and made it clear that it's not just a car, it's a hobby in terms of spannering and off road driving, turns out I can be quite aggressive in the defence of my not so Rusty 200Tdi Land Rover Discovery :eek: :):D

When we lived in Scotland partner said your always out enjoying yourself drinking I took her to pub that sold English John Smith's bitter and bought her a half pint her face was a picture on the first mouthfull as she spat it out when she recovered I said so you think I'm enjoying my self?...of course I was drinking Deuchars IPA...
She remarked how I'm always outside working on my Rusty, put her straight and made it clear that it's not just a car, it's a hobby in terms of spannering and off road driving, turns out I can be quite aggressive in the defence of my not so Rusty 200Tdi Land Rover Discovery :eek: :):D
Don’t invite her down then she won’t see it :).
I did get a look at it and no I was not pleased, at all :(


Got all excited when I got back from work, started it up and let it tick over as it's been a few weeks, was busy with a few other jobs and when I pulled out my old bit of carpet I found the sender recess in the tank was full of diesel, looks like the sender pick up and return pipes have rotted through, i knew they were crusty and had planned to replace the sender but didn't expect it to fail before I'd finished welding it up o_O

Oh well, another day tomorrow.
Shirley it’s betterer to find it now, rather than after yu had finished it?

I had planned to replace it before the end of the rebuild but was hoping to not have to do it before I finished the cutting and grinding works.

How did the door hanging go? I assume you safely avoided hanging yoself :D

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