After all the rain cleared I took a look at the wire to the sensor on injector four. Where it goes into the injector the insulation looks a bit split. And then I found one of the wires coming out of the connector had broken off. So I shall have to add a new length and see whether that cures it. Otherwise I shall take out injector four and check that closely.
After all the rain cleared I took a look at the wire to the sensor on injector four. Where it goes into the injector the insulation looks a bit split. And then I found one of the wires coming out of the connector had broken off. So I shall have to add a new length and see whether that cures it. Otherwise I shall take out injector four and check that closely.

You need a window socket to get it out so you don't crush the wire - which is what seems to have happened.
Thanks chaps. Fortunately I found this set. Hopefully it's the right one.

Only just seen this as have been away. Thats the correct part number. I got one from SoAuto in Northampton in June off ebay

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