
Active Member

I have posted on here before that I am a walker!

I have also gone on about the of piste damage caused by walkers and why when I'm out laning I wouldn't accept a bobly telling me that I am damaging the ground because they do as well.

Attached photo is from the top of the black mountains in Powys. This mess was almost five miles long and about ten meters wide for all of it. All caused by nimby bastards who don't want to get their boots dirty and just make a path wider and wider.
A Good point , well made ...walkers seem to do more damage to the REALLY precious places ...places where vehicles could never even reach ...yet STILL the green laner is targeted as the culprit wrecking the countryside .:rolleyes::(
Don't forget the mountain bikers there are tracks cut into the Long Mynd mainly on STEEP downhill runs where no sane walker or 4x4 would venture .
Another point is the amount of money spent repairing these paths helicopters used to transport bags of hardcore and stone can't be cheap and must make the money spent on

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