2010-11-07 001 655.JPG
Both look exciting to me and has inspired me to go and do something to the Defender today. Is the idea we would do the shorter one if we run out of time?
I would be very happy with either route
Your doing a great job there Spacedawg, appreciate all your work here. Must remember to put an extra bottle of beer on board.
It's mainly Oldun who has come up with the routes, was talking to him last night and he's plugin away at it, so the congrats should go where they are deserved.
It's mainly Oldun who has come up with the routes, was talking to him last night and he's plugin away at it, so the congrats should go where they are deserved.

Ok, two extra bottles of beer then. And well done Oldun also.
Just fitted the CB Antenna on my Defender. Don't know what I have done but I seem to be picking up Italians. I'm miles away from Italy.
Isn't it supposed to be a bit dodgy along the Algerian/Moroccan border. I read somewhere a couple travelling alone in a Defender were robbed and had there Defender stolen by a band of Algerians who came over the border?
I think the view we have to take is if anyone is uncomfortable then we just time it so were not in a bad situation, from what I hear at work its pretty safe in Morocco we send 1,000's of kids and adults there a year, even that far south.

I'll check the Hubb before we go to see what the gossip is.

This is the current FCO status, makes interesting reading https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/western-sahara

Also there will be a few of us which will help, possibly the couple were travelling on their own?
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In the past we have driven straight thro' the middle of a holding barracks and they didn't have time to respond before we were past. Also been stopped at check posts close to border but no problems and we even gave one officer a lift who looked like he had been waiting days for a lift to the nearest garrison town and I had his kitbag in the back with what looked like his AK47. Never had any problems with the army - they are polite and welcome you to their country and ask if you enjoy their beautiful countryside. Sometimes if you stray too close to the border they will convoy you away but again always very polite. The route I have provisionally drawn does follow the border but there is nearly always another piste closer than the one I have drawn up. As mentioned to SD 95% is off tarmac for 7 or 8 days. Of course there can be a security issue on any trip but I would suspect that the worst danger we will be in will be with the local taxi drivers old bangers bikes scooters mopeds pedestrians donkeys goats camels potholes - I could go on!
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In the past we have driven straight thro' the middle of a holding barracks and they didn't have time to respond before we were past. Also been stopped at check posts close to border but no problems and we even gave one officer a lift who looked like he had been waiting days for a lift to the nearest garrison town and I had his kitbag in the back with what looked like his AK47. Never had any problems with the army - they are polite and welcome you to their country and ask if you enjoy their beautiful countryside. Sometimes if you stray too close to the border they will convoy you away but again always very polite. The route I have provisionally drawn does follow the border but there is nearly always another piste closer than the one I have drawn up. As mentioned to SD 95% is off tarmac for 7 or 8 days. Of course there can be a security issue on any trip but I would suspect that the worst danger we will be in will be with the local taxi drivers old bangers bikes scooters mopeds pedestrians donkeys goats camels potholes - I could go on!

All sounds great fun, looking forward to capturing some great images on camera. Looks like a great route Oldun, much appreciate all the work your putting into this.
I like this bit on the link "After a very nice night at Cáceres Camping (thanks Paul) we got up early and headed for the famous Carlos to get a ferry ticket for Tanger Med which was a nice price at 180 Euro return (open both ways)."
Hi Guys'
Been off line for a couple of days and just caught up with the new messages. It will be like Christmas and birthday all rolled in to one. With the price of diesel at 40p per litre I will be putting an oil tank on a flat bed trailer.

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