Garage Iriki in Zagora will be rubbing their hands with glee - they can smell Land Rovers a mile off - well actually they can smell them 20 miles off - especially with their extensive network of spotters kitted out with scooters.
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Ferry booked
Friday 11/4/14 dept Portsmouth 2015
Sat 12/4/14 arival St Malo 0815
Sun 27/4/14 dept Caen 0830
Sun 27/4/14 arival Portsmouth 1315
Let the fun begin
Sid and Adam
I'll book the hotel when I get back to the UK, just had the fun of driving from Montreal to Boston in a snow storm :)
I'm going over on Eurotunnel because I have to pick the GF up from work now, I think she is the only woman coming along and gets sea sick.
Well I'm actually getting excited now, very childish I know but I am.

I'm the same, Do we have a final'ish number on how many are seriously thinking of going along?
I saw Garside was interested but haven't seen anything on the Web Blog page.

Couple of questions:
I presume there is no problem taking beers & wine across from France/Spain into Morocco?
Am I right in thinking most people will be purchasing their ferry tickets when they arrive at the port/camp site. Or is it best to book in advance.
I saw somewhere someone suggested changing currency online before going.
I have checked out exchange rates and can't see much difference between on line and at the port.
Should have my CB antenna gear arrive beginning of next week. Now just need to try and get hold of a SWR Meter to test it all once installed.
Garage Iriki in Zagora will be rubbing their hands with glee - they can smell Land Rovers a mile off - well actually they can smell them 20 miles off - especially with their extensive network of spotters kitted out with scooters.

Too right! Those scooters are bloody annoying! Had a couple of 110's following us too.

Garage Iriki is bloody good though do recommend them! Don't go in the shop next door or across the road you will never get out!

IMG_1699 by t4bby1, on Flickr
I'm the same, Do we have a final'ish number on how many are seriously thinking of going along?
I saw Garside was interested but haven't seen anything on the Web Blog page.

Couple of questions:
I presume there is no problem taking beers & wine across from France/Spain into Morocco?
Am I right in thinking most people will be purchasing their ferry tickets when they arrive at the port/camp site. Or is it best to book in advance.
I saw somewhere someone suggested changing currency online before going.
I have checked out exchange rates and can't see much difference between on line and at the port.
Should have my CB antenna gear arrive beginning of next week. Now just need to try and get hold of a SWR Meter to test it all once installed.

Hi Mike,

It's, me, you, Garside, Oldun, Lyn, 3extruckers and one more and I can't remember the name.

So that's 7 confirmed to date, it might be 8, but were waiting for someone to come back home next month.

We're meeting in March (I sent a note but know you can't make it sorry).

The page and route details to date is here.

My Land Rover Discovery 1 300TDI, overland preparation and blog: Morocco Overland 4x4 Trip (Landyzone April 2014)

I think there's no issue taking booze into Morocco most people seem to do it, but drink driving as per the UK is an issue.

I'll get my ferry ticket when I get there, I'm travelling down from 2 hours south of Calais on Saturday morning and will try to catch up with the others on route. I'll get my exchange when I get there.

So its definitely on.
Hi Mike,

It's, me, you, Garside, Oldun, Lyn, 3extruckers and one more and I can't remember the name.

So that's 7 confirmed to date, it might be 8, but were waiting for someone to come back home next month.

We're meeting in March (I sent a note but know you can't make it sorry).

The page and route details to date is here.

My Land Rover Discovery 1 300TDI, overland preparation and blog: Morocco Overland 4x4 Trip (Landyzone April 2014)

I think there's no issue taking booze into Morocco most people seem to do it, but drink driving as per the UK is an issue.

I'll get my ferry ticket when I get there, I'm travelling down from 2 hours south of Calais on Saturday morning and will try to catch up with the others on route. I'll get my exchange when I get there.

So its definitely on.

Should be great fun.
We will be setting off on the Saturday morning also, heading down to Toulouse, Barcelona, Valencia; Don't know if we will be more or less on the same route as you guys from Toulouse on wards.
I'm advised cheapest tickets are from Carlos at rear of Carrefour in Algerciras and currency can be obtained at Tangier Med. using sterling. There is a fuel station a few km from the port on the motorway so go into Morocco nearly empty for cheap fuel.
Am still working on provisional route in Morocco and have got as far as Zagora - looking forward to lots of sand and fast pistes!
I remember saying I was going via Toulouse but I meant Bordeaux - always get the two mixed up.
I remember saying I was going via Toulouse but I meant Bordeaux - always get the two mixed up.

And your working out the route in Morocco!
Just checked out your likely route and yes, you will be going down the other side of Spain to us so hopefully we will meet up at the camp site.
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Quote from Mikescuba - And your working out the route in Morocco!

Yes I know doesn't sound good - but luckily I just get the name wrong - hopefully. Wait until I suffer from trying to remember the names of all going!
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Quote from Mikescuba - And your working out the route in Morocco!

Yes I know doesn't sound good - but luckily I just get the name wrong - hopefully. Wait until I suffer from trying to remember the names of all going!

I'm looking forward to meeting up with you and the rest of the gang. I find after a few beers names don't matter.
We can't wait either... worse than my kids at christmas at the moment... all i wanna do is get going!

Gonna be a right good do!
Looks like everyone is champing at the bit - mind you with all this wind and rain in Wales can't wait for a very dry and boiling hot day in the sun digging out a Land Rover - I wonder which one it will be!

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