we have a fridge (if it works)so my beer will be ok,Adam drinks red wine so that can stay in the sun and wind.As for food chicken or camel BBQ is ok by us.As for tinned food bring on the spam.We are happy with open desert/bbq eating but also want to eat in local restaurants .Not only is this a holiday to us but we want to enjoy and experience Morocco.

+1 here. Looks like we are more or less on the same track. Think I will go for the cool box I saw on Amazon. I have a cheap one which has never worked from day one.
Hi folks, good luck with your journey and your planning. Not trying to hijack your thread but I organise a rally that goes across to Morocco twice every year that departs from here in Spain where I live. We will be over at the same time as you ( departing from Spain 11th. April to return 18th. April ). If you would like any advice or help or even recommendations on good camping etc then feel free to ask. Have a fantastic trip and we hope you enjoy yourselves. Regards Andy
Flesh eating creepy crawlies - can't remember the name of them - tons of flies particularly when your driving and also mozies and moths - oh and migrating swallows like to overnight in the tent or car.
and what about the snakes

Take a flute with you to charm them and you should be alright. I think Scorpions will be the only thing to be alert for. Shake your bedding before getting in and shake out your shoes etc before putting them on, the little bastards get everywhere.
i think we have found a welder to put all the bits back on the range rover that me and Adam have taken off,is everyone elses car ready for the off ?
i think we have found a welder to put all the bits back on the range rover that me and Adam have taken off,is everyone elses car ready for the off ?

I'm worrying, mines going well which means it must be due for something to go wrong about the time we go.
Well all I need to do is check the rest of the fluids, out the 2nd battery in and refit the roof if I get time. So I guess so, the new suspension has given it a lift and is a little harder as well, not sure thats good though.

And my welding seems to be holding together. Oh also no leaks any more?
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6 weeks to go!!!!!

I have filled out and printed off my D16, made photo copies of passport, French Log book, vehicle insurance. Just wandering what else I need to do document wise. Still haven't tried out the camping gear as it's still too cold. Trying to snow at the moment.
Got my Jerry cans, spares and also the ferry done now!!!!

All getting close.....

Doing the auto gearbox oil and final check on the car this weekend.
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I have sent off a request for a quote for the Morocco crossing today we should have some prices tomorrow.
Feels like spring has arrived here all be it a bit cold first thing in the morning, -2c but reaching 18c midday and slowly climbing each day. Took a load of stuff down to the tip so now I can get into my garage and start doing a few jobs and have a good look at my camping gear. 5 weeks tomorrow we should be on our way.
Right, got all the spares except replacement water pipes and anti freeze now, I have even put in a roof liner, given him a clean inside and replaced the glove compartment which was smashed when my let hit it back in september when we had a run in with a tree.

Tomorrow, I'll tackle the bull bars, fix an electrical fault and shove the roof rack on.

Just to make things bad I have to goto the USA for a few days this month as well, grr.

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