Yeah im not saying there all rubbish, the ones ive seen/dealt with that have the remote start etc have all been the cheapest of cheap ebay jobs that dont seem to last very long, ive had a couple that i have had in thats failed thats all, but as i say cheap universal tat, even the decent exspensive bike alarms naff up, ive removed more than ive fitted due to faults, but car alarms seem to be alot more reliable than bikes

you buy cheap get cheap there are tons of cheap china counter fit parts out there with no libality insurance. It is buyer be wear on the ebay shopping
I timed my de-icing this morning at -2C, heater on full, screen heaters switch on, and in 3 minutes 20 seconds screens were clear and the driver and passenger windows were just slushy, the extra 20 seconds was the time it took me to to get the wiper-blade from the rear foot well.

3 mins job done and away what's the problem.. :D
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I timed my de-icing this morning at -2C, heater on full, screen heaters switch on, and in 3 minutes 20 seconds screens were clear and the driver and passenger windows were just slushy, the extra 20 seconds was the time it took me to to get the wiper blade from the rear foot well.

3 mins job done and away what's the problem.. :D
takes mine a lot longer
i remember when I was 18... bombing around all summer in a tricked out, stripped out/caged up classic mini absolutely loved it til the winter when I was reguarly pulling over to de-ice the inside of my windscreen!
fitted a £30 cheap alarm to mine which came with remote start with timer delay for glow plugs. the only thing it won't work is the door locks, have to use the standard alarm for that. C an set the senitivity of the shock sensor, has a rolling key encription. Does the job for cheap and cheerful
3 minutes....mine takes forever mine actually re froze this morn after freezing...didn't have to de ice the inside this time though

Could be a bit unfair, both the screen heating elements take take care if de-frosting and with the heater on full to the screen with the heaters air recircuation turned on, we don't want to suck in the cold outside air, both front side windows will be turning to slush.

My disco will still be a van, but after 3 minutes the temp guage has moved from it's stop and is on it's way up so will only be a van for a mile or two down the road. :)
Many years ago I had an ex BT transit which was fitted with an Eberspatcher heater, this could be set to come on before you went out to the van and would heat the engines coolant and also blow hot air into the cab, I think it also heated water for hand washing, but I never used that. I never had to get in a cold van but it didn't do the fuel consumption any good. There must be some secondhand out there but might be difficult to fit as new radiator hoses would be needed.
find an old ambulance in a breaker yard and get the electrics kit off it - they all have the ability to leave the engine running yet take the key out and the moment you touch the clutch or break it kills the engine
I have a little fan heater ( £8 from asda ) put it on my arm rest and connect the extention lead into the house then leave it 10 mins while i get my stuff ready for work. When I leave the car has dethourded and nice and warm untill the 300 tdi gets up to temp
I have a little fan heater ( £8 from asda ) put it on my arm rest and connect the extention lead into the house then leave it 10 mins while i get my stuff ready for work. When I leave the car has dethourded and nice and warm untill the 300 tdi gets up to temp

I couldn't do that as I work further away than my extension lead would reach :eek::bounce:

I would like to see how we could rig up a cheap preheat system.
The stealing of cars left to warm up on those frosty mornings happens so much there is actually a term the police use its called frosting lol, and yes as someone said earlier you will not be covered by your insurance if the keys are in it
Easy peasy...get up...hotwater bottles from bed taken downstairs...kettle on, go to loo. Fill hotwaterbottles from now boiled kettle. Nip in your jammies and put hot waterbottles on dashboard. Get ready. Get in beast...three large defrosted patches on windscreen and one each on side windows.Cuddle hot waterbottles on drive to work as heater doesnt work before i can reach work .:)
Easy peasy...get up...hotwater bottles from bed taken downstairs...kettle on, go to loo. Fill hotwaterbottles from now boiled kettle. Nip in your jammies and put hot waterbottles on dashboard. Get ready. Get in beast...three large defrosted patches on windscreen and one each on side windows.Cuddle hot waterbottles on drive to work as heater doesnt work before i can reach work .:)

great idea, not sure about the jammies :D
Have just taken off the dirty great big engine fan from our TD5, wont help cold start of course but may allow the engine to warm up a bit quicker..............
In my defender I have bought a cheap remote alarm that I use to activate, my heated seat, heated screen and heated mirror relay. All this runs from my aux battery. So when it looks defrosted out the kitchen window, I go down jump in and at least I can see where in going and have got a warm bum :)
remote switches are prtty cheap on ebay if you look, I bought one for summat else, think it was 4 channels of switching for about £20

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