Sent from my I-Phone whilst having a **** and contemplating my navel before going out to the in-laws on Sunday - I mite even have a bath later :eek:.

Will yu please remove that crap from the bottom of your posts :mad:

Sent from my I-Phone whilst having a **** and contemplating my navel before going out to the in-laws on Sunday - I mite even have a bath later :eek:.

Says the man with the largest sig on LZ... you realize the site maintenance costs would be about 30% lower if your sig was empty?

Besides... you're just squirly because he's got a better phone that yours :p
Better at wot? Cooking a roast dinner? Creating the next Shakespearian sonnet? It a ficking fone! Get a life! Who gives a **** except posers?
I had no idea the truth would scare you so much... I'll try not to frighten you again 'wee man' ;)

LOL pants changed im ok now :D

Better at wot? Cooking a roast dinner? Creating the next Shakespearian sonnet? It a ficking fone! Get a life! Who gives a **** except posers?

Posers no people like tech like me & actually have a use for them instead oooo look at me i have an iphone i can afford £600pound big deal everyone can with a little saving.

Android is better than iPhone. Fact.

Agreeeed its just a phone. Who cares
but IOS is so more advanced in everyway (tbh such a silly discussion i can be bothered to break it down and explain why) ISO better than windows Proven no argument.
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I have an iPhone for 2 reasons.

1) it was a gift
2) when I lost the first one, insurance paid for a noo iphone4.

As I said before it only gets fone calls as well as my Nokia 3110. Service is still crap in lots of the country.
i use a poacher alarm gun at night they are legal to use and cheap a 12 bore going of in the night s--ts anyone up and wakes you up aswell
True my disco pulled my 26ft caravan out of my yard. Which is up hill, did it on tick over in low box

I pulled a 13-ton steam engine out of its shed and then pushed it back up the 1ft long 1-in-5 ramp back into the shed a week or two ago.

Did that all at tickover in low range too (apart from the small ramp, of course - gentle accelerator pressure for that. No run-up needed though!).


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