
Active Member
I leave my motor running while it defrosts most mornings, but as there are so many scum bags out there wanting to nick everyone's pride and joy i am trying to think of some way of securing it while its unattended.

Remote wont lock the doors while its running, tried that. Ideas?
I leave my motor running while it defrosts most mornings, but as there are so many scum bags out there wanting to nick everyone's pride and joy i am trying to think of some way of securing it while its unattended.

Remote wont lock the doors while its running, tried that. Ideas?
Disclock, clutch claw, wheel clamp or a fooking big dog:D
Buy a Dicovery II :p

Then you have the option of, what they call, "Bathrobe Locking" -

Bathrobe Locking

Bathrobe locking allows the engine to be started and then the vehicle locked with a spare key.
This allows the vehicle interior to reach the desired temperature without the driver needing to be
present. This option can be set by TestBook within the customer configuration options inside BCU.
It should be noted that the vehicle security system is not set during this procedure, only the CDL
is activated.

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What ever it's called don't do it you may get a fine.

"You MUST NOT leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road. Generally, if the vehicle is stationary and is likely to remain so for more than a couple of minutes, you should apply the parking brake and switch off the engine to reduce emissions and noise pollution. However it is permissible to leave the engine running if the vehicle is stationary in traffic or for diagnosing faults.
Law CUR regs 98 & 107
Because i leave it running for the heated windscreen to do its business, not to warm the engine.

Obviously i know it wont be insured :rolleyes:

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