fooking ell ya know they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" well try telling that to the mouse i've just brained with one. fecker came out from under the cooker bold as brass. so ah lifted an apple out the fruit ball an clobbered the little ****er with it. Ian Botham eat yer heart out.
How woud it be..............:) the though just curls me up.......:) :D ..........if.....
:rolleyes: I think I'll start a new thread on this.......:)
Only the ADMIN can delete your account yer sad fook. and theres none of us are admin.

besides i thikn the admin probably enjoy reading this as much as i have been for the past 15 mins:rolleyes:
is this the dickhead with the satin/mat/gloss black bonnet who rests the panel on the deck and spent 8 weeks rubbin it down and to top it orf adds go faster danger barbed wire paint over the corner of it and fits the bonnet to a ****ty green/blue from what i can make out of whats left of the paint on it with a broken rear lenses????? then to top it all off accuses us of having peice of **** landrovers redhand?? think he should browse some sig pics to begin with personally, or has putting his head on a stick effected his eye sight? :confused: :D
Methinks that DK17 is the ladyzone equivalent of an "it" girl.:cool: Everyone talks about them, but don't quite know what they do.:confused: I think we'll put him in the kitchen with Gordon Ramsey at the xmas do........I take it that everyone who hasn't been banned from LZ is welcome........come to think of it, what does one have to do to be black ball'd from the exclusivity of LZ ?:rolleyes:
not sure but i did spot a bit of a naughty word from red hand on this thread earlier so they must be pretty tolerant haha! :cool:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M!!!
call me donk, call me donk! oh by the way if i loose exclusivity to the lz can i re join???? haha, put in a good word for me slob!
call me donk, call me donk!
M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk M Donk............anything yet ?:confused:

It's alright facing up and antagonising the administrator, but wotya gonna do when your motor goes belly up ?

I'll stand the flack any day to keep my membership.:) I love everyone and can't wait to meet all at the xmas party. I've thought of suggesting the disfunction room at the "Gaylander" country hosteliary.:) Peace, man.

Come to think of it.........who is the administrator? I've done searches and nothing shows up. Come to think of it, also, are there any such digniteries as moderators anywhere to be seen?......what a job, eh ? I suppose I've answered my own question..........:confused:
Has you been listening to too much Hanson with all yer m donk ing or wuz that mbop
Too much Hanson? What's that? m,bop,shubidoop, that's what I call music big on lyrics.:rolleyes: regs P.S

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