TNT eh now thats an idea, about a quater pound up his arse would make a novel alternative to the tedius nanny state fireworks in the shops
yeah, i need my mate to go to mexico again. that was the best november 5th over. mind u, his cat didnt think so, actually, i doubt he had time to realise what happened. poor old misty. we'll miss him
Kinell, is Dik still abart? 10/10 fer percyveerunce. Ah thort he'd gone off to groom sum more kiddies long ago!
you threaten me with violence and call me a peadophile, thats nice
they always say that someone always tries to point the finger at someone else?

is it a wonder why im hostile back?

you seem to be so smart yet you cant even delete my acount on a ****ty forum?

all your landrovers should be melted down as they're basically just scrap metal on wheels anyway!
Only the ADMIN can delete your account yer sad fook. and theres none of us are admin.
Watch it Dan if yer stop at a set of traffic lights the ****'ll try to wash it fer yer. It's what he does yer know.
nevve mind them duck17. just you hang on and yer mum will be round to put yer toys back in yer pram fer yer
better get the axes sharpened then, i guess i'll be digging another hole and taking your piece of **** landrover to the scrap yard
****ing hell

Car washer
web site designer
Radio Comms expert
and now a ****ing grave digger.. How many jobs have you got.

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