It's the noise you make when reading something funny on t'internet whilst trying to drink a cup of coffee ;)

Still drying my keyboard and monitor off now...
it is based just outside the historic town of Vire, only 1 hour from the ferry port of Caen we will be sailing from portsmouth to either caen or le havre ;)
I am sure others will be travelling from other ports.

eh!! you've done it again daft!!
the fares have been got at a discount because of a bulk booking.. if you're gonna be leaving from elsewhere then it wint be part of the bulk booking so will cost you more.
why do we bother???
i know that, Slob. just it mite be cheaper for sum folks to go via another port and pay for it themselves.

will explain sum uvver time
fair enuff, if everybody makes their own arrangements it will save me and yella from doing. see you all there!
its just as i sed previous - it seems silly me paying for off-roading that i wont use. So if I can get a cheaper ferry - i will. Dont mean i wont be comin to see yu buggers - or then again..... :D
reet so yella and me have organised a weeks orf road fun and camping in nth france including cheaper ferry fares.
you want to come but you don't want to camp, you don't want to orf road and you don't want to partake in the block ferry booking.

which bit would you like to involve yerself with??
meetin yuz guys? yup - I know - bloody stupid idea!

I aint speakin for all - just me. Maybe i just dont come at all.

I think yu guys are doin a brill job. You autta have loads of takers - for wot yu have organised its superb value.
we could always do it in seperate parts so that if you just want to come on the block bookig with the ferry you can, or if you want to make your own way and just do the camp/offroading bit you can. that way you need to send me a deposit and slob a deposit
Well this all seems about as organised as a chimps tea party :D I think I'll give it a miss. No way I'm driving to Portsmouth and then leaving me FL there.
I'm sure if the trip actually happens you will have a good time :rolleyes:
if yu paying ya money, Cat - yu might as well take it over to France - coz its all included. Dont slag off the organisers - its not their fault that everyone wants summat different. They are trying to accomodate everyone - and thats just not possible.
If yu go Cat, and I hope yu do,- and if yu insist on not taking it over to France - I am sure you can leave your Hippoo with one of the lz members close to portsmouth - PJ spring to mind as an immediate possibility.
My bro was going to take me to the port, but I can't ask him to drive me to Portsmouth, it's too far. And I don't want to take my FL over there. I am not you say "they" can't please everyone. Just one of those things...........I'm just not supposed to go to France :D
Well this all seems about as organised as a chimps tea party :D I think I'll give it a miss. No way I'm driving to Portsmouth and then leaving me FL there.
I'm sure if the trip actually happens you will have a good time :rolleyes:

wtf are you on about??

the ferry is sorted! the campsite is sorted! the off road site is sorted!
bbq sorted,competitions sorted! prize giving sorted,extra activites sorted!

if you can do better do so because i've had enough of the bleating about it. between yerself and mr negative vibs hat man you have probably scared everybody else away.

and as its not appriecated i don't think i'll bother anymore.

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