Oh ffs calm down, since when did anyone take any notice of what I say. They're all big enough to make up their own minds!
Aye me and betty aint going either, have decided the money is going to go to better use and buy her a disco as the series isnt really family friendly.
Hi all.
I have not done many post's at all and i gave up reading all of the post's (amusing though they were) and can't find the time to come abroad cus i too busy, but! if your organise any kind of weekend in this country i would love to come and play and get the 38 stuck and i also have a crackin traditional irish rock band i could bring along for the evening.

Cheers, Nick.
be very interested, but a) can I afford it b) will my landie last a four day trial... it is usually broken after a few hours off-roading around here.

let me know how much you think it is going to set people back.

cheers - tom

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