Bagpuss gave a big yawn, and settled down to sleep.
And of course when Bagpuss goes to sleep, all his friends go to sleep too.
The mice were ornaments on the mouse-organ.
Gabriel and Madeleine were just dolls.
And Professor Yaffle was a carved wooden bookend in the shape of a woodpecker.
Even Bagpuss himself once he was asleep was just an old, saggy cloth cat.
Baggy, and a bit loose at the seams.
But Emily loved him.

Night night everybody, night night;)
I dont know, tut tut tut tut !!!!!!

You get called out to sit in an interview with with a woman who has stolen her husbands car, Driven it into 6 parked cars, and then goes to pick him up from work in her car, on there way home she drives past the scene of total mayhem and says to her husband " Look what happens when you forget my birthday" !!!!!

She then rams a police car and stops to confess and get it all off her chest !!!!!

She gets arrested, i have to leave my tea and on arriving at the police station i am welcomed by a desk sargent with all the charm of Simon Cowell on prozac !!!!!

Then to top it all, ive missed a decent ruck with a new member (ardnut ) who thinks that his Td4 Gaylander is a dream car !!!!! Get a life you sad person, or does mummy still run it for you ?????:rolleyes:


My friends you are doing a great job with this french trip, I for one still want to go and dont care where i sleep, What were gonna do while we are there, or wether its 2 days off roading or 2 minutes !!!!!

I just need a bloody good holiday with great company, You guys are the best and i take my hat off to you !!!!!:D
Wow when I said this would still be going on when I left yesterday I didn't realise there would be a row in the middle of it!!
Welcome to the site "ardnut" don't upset the boys...........believe me You will NOT win :D Just chill out and enjoy the site.

Well I have decided that one way or another I will be coming on the trip! I can't have my Mother saying "I knew you wouldn't go" !!! So I'm either going to fly or get the ferry on foot..............and I'll hitch hike to the campsite if I have to. LOL!!!
Just let me know when and where to send my money.........
Then to top it all, ive missed a decent ruck with a new member (ardnut ) who thinks that his Td4 Gaylander is a dream car !!!!! Get a life you sad person, or does mummy still run it for you ?????:rolleyes:

I have a life officer, which sounds like more fun than yours. Oh, my mother died 15 years ago:(
He aint an officer, he's a lawyer. LOL! Big gets paid to find the truth............the other gets paid to hide it :D

Sorry about ya Mum...............but like I said before.......don't upset the boys :)
He aint an officer, he's a lawyer. LOL! Big gets paid to find the truth............the other gets paid to hide it :D

Sorry about ya Mum...............but like I said before.......don't upset the boys :)

No need to be sorry Cat Eyes.
I aint gonna come on here though and wait till I have accumilated 2000 posts or something before I join the banter. If ya give it out, expect it back.

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