for some reason, there seems to be a lot missing lately, wonder where they're all hiding :rolleyes:

Not missing, just ****ed off with a the crap on this thread so I gave up visiting it. I was expecting to hear from the Yella chap when he wanted a deposit from me and as he hadn't contacted me I visited this thread to see what the game play is.

Now I find its cancelled.

Tis a shame, but to be honest with all the flack Yella and Slob have caught I'm not surprised.
Hi all.
I have not done many post's at all and i gave up reading all of the post's (amusing though they were) and can't find the time to come abroad cus i too busy, but! if your organise any kind of weekend in this country i would love to come and play and get the 38 stuck and i also have a crackin traditional irish rock band i could bring along for the evening.

Cheers, Nick.
What happend to the look before we leap so we don't get stuck BS????? Darling
Hi All can any one help with my problem i have a 95 disco my alarm wont let the engine start the fob didnt work then it did but the engine will not turn over.
Hi All can any one help with my problem i have a 95 disco my alarm wont let the engine start the fob didnt work then it did but the engine will not turn over.

Kingie - post this in the Disco section - yu mite have more luck.

Welcome to Loonyzone.
Hello out there i'd be up for laning abroad, did try myself to get out there this year but just could not fit it in, send us the details once you have them..
OOOOPS that will teach me to check the post date, tit that i am, i just caught site of it when i went there to post and thought mmmm that sounds good.
if there is serious interest in this i'm willing to sort it out. so long as there int no ****ing about like last time.
its all inclusive, not pick and mix otherwise we can't keep the price down.

so if you don't want the ferry , the camping or the off roading don't say yer coming.
if you wanna leave it the last minute , don't bother.
if yer uncle gonna die two weeks before and you need to go to the funeral then dint put yer name down.
if yer think it will be fun but int got the money , tuff

to keep it simple i'll try fer the same as last time fer dates and prices , unless there is overwhelming requests fer other dates.

which to save yer searching wus about 500quid fer a week including ferry and camp site. use of 40 odd acres of land with some greenlaning. and other excursions to places of interest

so if there is anyone wanting to partake PM yer name to me.

let the fun commence.

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