could be fun that one!!!

ooppsss sorry was i supposed to shoot upwards sir, i hope he aint too badly hurt hehehe
have you got your life insurance up to date then crazy?
Ha! Very good..............last time held a gun I shot me sister in the back!! :eek: Was an accident.........honest!!!

I'll be more careful this time!
No need to be sorry Cat Eyes.
I aint gonna come on here though and wait till I have accumilated 2000 posts or something before I join the banter. If ya give it out, expect it back.

Ardnut, no you don't need 2000+ posts to be able to join in, but step back & look a sec'.

I haven't contributed much to this thread as though I'd love to go on the trip, this year I just can't commit due to stuff. Yella & Slob are doing a stirling job to try & pull it together & it's difficult enuff to get folks to put their lucre where their gob is without people popping up from nowhere & wanting in.

This is t'internet, it is only typing & people come & go, stay or drift off. We're by & large virtual mates, tho' that is bit by bit changing & if someone pops up no-one knows **** about them & from time to time pillocks pop up, often after being banned from other sites & give it large then they should expect to get flamed. It's not being cliquey, but some idiots do join & try to spoil things, sometimes through ignorance, sometimes maliciously.

No-one's saying your here for anything other than the right reasons, but look at it, you jumped in with just a few posts saying "count me in" then go on about whether there's wimin going. Would you really shell out £100 immediately to secure a place, right now, in hard cash?

It's a bit like going in to a boozer you've never been in before shouting yer mouth off & hitting on all the wimin, you'll soon get a rightly deserved kicking. Christ, I read back over some of my early posts & I sounded a right starry eyed tit.

This IS the best Landy forum & I defy you to post a question that someone can't answer with authority & probably save you a good few quid into the bargain. yeah. everyone gives & takes stick, it's what stops it being like all the other stuffy ones.

Just chill a bit, take your time & treat people like they're actually in front of you. If you overstep the mark, accept it with good grace rather than just take the view that it doesn't matter cuz they can't see me. That's just like people behaving like arseholes in cars because they feel invulnerable (I changed a few of those opinions when I was riding motorbikes & people drove like idiots, risking my life. their attitudes changed when they'd been pulled over, were face to face & were asked for an apology!)

My two penn'orth. Here endeth the the lesson! ;)
Cheers Rets, but I already do the good guy bit before the beak, just possession & injunctions mainly tho'.

Prefer my profession, especially since I heard that scientists have started to use your lot in experiments. Apparently there's things that rats won't do! ;)

Told that to a lead DJ a while back & got away with it.........just! :eek:

Sorry about the typo !!!!!

Diplomatic is the word my friend !!!!!:D

Ps, You would be shocked what ive said in court and got away with !!!!!:D
Right so what have we established now then??

1. Dates Sat 7th- Sat 14th July 2007..............? I take it we will be coming back on Sat 14th, or is it the Sun 15th?

2. Location: Northern France............where in Northern France might be helpful.

3. Cost............£500 (for 2 ferry crossings, campsite, 2 days Off Roading, based on 2 people in a car).

4. There will be other things to do on the trip.

Where are we sailing from - to?..............and I don't mean England to France.
Right so what have we established now then??

1. Dates Sat 7th- Sat 14th July 2007..............? I take it we will be coming back on Sat 14th, or is it the Sun 15th?

2. Location: Northern France............where in Northern France might be helpful.

3. Cost............£500 (for 2 ferry crossings, campsite, 2 days Off Roading, based on 2 people in a car).

4. There will be other things to do on the trip.

Where are we sailing from - to?..............and I don't mean England to France.

From what I can remember, location is near to Le Mans, ferry was Portsmouth - Caen (or somewhere near) and there is food on first and last nights and a presentation of sorts.

Hopefully if this business deal comes off in the next few weeks I will be getting a new Landy and paying up my dues...
you tulip!!!
i live near le mans! the 4x4 centre is about 2hrs north of here. its about 1hours east of mont st micheal and about 45 mins south of caen.. further details will emerge nearer the time.
ffs wumun do you want all the info in dribbs and drabs or would you like it all in one go when everything is finalised?

ah dunno some folk,, your in the middle of sortin out a load of complermacated stuff and some wumun starts askin daft questions . if you'd have patience all details will be posted in one big post rather than postin stuff that may or may not change as things progress.

the basics are, a week based at a orf road centre in france. wiff some days free use of 50 odd acres. ferry trips if needed. bbq's on first and last night,
some compertitions wiff prize givin.and some green laning......
Ok dear, calm down, you'll give yourself a head ache :)
I'll be patient............I don't care I'm coming anyway I was asking so that those who aint sure about coming had more of an idea.

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