My location on the map is within a five mile radius of my real location ... close enough I reckon to be useful to Landzoners (?) but far enough away to be useless to non-Landyzoners ... ;)
me landys big green and wheighs in at 2+ton.You dont need a map to find it.
Not a prob, glad to help.

And the link and explanation again in case someone is just reading this thread again.

how to get yourself on the map:

to who has a google account, when you click the link (and you are signed in), there should be a tab on the left of the map.
click where it says [b]MyMaps[/b]
there should be a map named [b]LANDYZONE[/b] click that
now there should be a button that says [b]Edit[/b] - when you click it, it allows to change the name and description of the map, dont do that. 
[U]If you notice, now on the top left of the map[/U] there's 3 buttons that allow you to add a marker or route..

and here's the link
[url=,-2.570801&spn=0.351475,0.770416&z=10]LANDYZONE - Google Maps[/url]
Maybe a mod/admin could add JPs instructions and link to the first post in the thread as well? so people starting from the beginning don't miss how to do it.. and JP doesn't have to repeat it every other post! :D
I recon we should make the thread a sticky so it stays at the top, so new members dont ave to trawl through loadsa other threads to find it.
because thats where you spend over 50% of your time.

I did have to complain that they moved steak night from a Wednesday to a Tuesday, cunningly renaming it Steak & Fish night.

LADYZONE does sound like a spot where you can find mail order brides.
I did have to complain that they moved steak night from a Wednesday to a Tuesday, cunningly renaming it Steak & Fish night.

LADYZONE does sound like a spot where you can find mail order brides.

Was that site recommended to you by your neighbour? :hysterically_laughi

Right im leaving for the Alps now, see you all in 3 weeks :blabla:


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