
multimap or google just creat points in a map
2 mins and i'll post something
Here you go…

this is done on my google account, so only I can add marks on the map…
you can also select for it not to be listed in the public domain, so the only people that can get to it is if they have this direct link..

We could create a google account for landyzone and then put the user and pass here and people could go in and put their location, but this forum is too big
So….maybe google maps is not the right answer here.

I know there's another site similar where you can add points without being logged in, but cant find it now.
Will look for it later though


Think I got it now... can someone try and add a point on this map?,-1.314325&spn=0.038018,0.07699&z=14

Remember the map will only be visible to people that can find this link, so users of google wont get it when doing searchs. it's classed as unlisted
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dont think it worked, need to change something else.. but im leaving work now, will have a look when i get home.
ok... looks like you would need a google account to be able to edit and add marks on the map..
yeh BoB, I think there's a way of using php to put a map on a forum...been on a forum like that as well.

google would be just easier, even to mark lanes as you can draw lines on it
no, doesnt cost any money, its free, if you have google mail then you sorted, if not, just creat one.

to who has a google account, when you click the link (and you are signed in), there should be a tab on the left of the map.
click where it says MyMaps
there should be a map named LANDYZONE click that
now there should be a button that says Edit - when you click it, it allows to change the name of the map, dont do that.
If you notice, now on the top left of the map there's 3 buttons that allow you to add a marker or route..

here's the link again,-1.314325&spn=0.026452,0.051155&z=14

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