I can then create a second map which can be used to place markers on good byways, play&play sites, etc...and on the marker info then can be added like videos and photos...

then the 2 maps can be overlayed and you can see which users live near the byways or play areas and arrange to meet
[JP];837955 said:
you cant?
i can see you, there's only the 2 of us on the list....

you should have been able to see me. when you put your name and marker down, wasnt mine name already on the left?
jp is there but nothing happends when i pout mouse on ya and ur mark aint on the map
strange.. works on mine..

I'll give you the usual IT solution... log out google and log in again? lol
He is when I just looked......and when did you move into the middle of a junction....bloody vagrants
so if i post on the map will some fooker come round n fix me landy or will they chaff it?
I strongly advise not publishing lanes on a visable map. I think its a bad idea. people, pay and plays, good chip shops yer, but not lanes. Any fooker looking at/joining LZ will see it. I know i know its all there on OS maps etc etc. put just throwing free info out there is a bad idea (IMO) it will be as bad as TOR roadbooks, god help us.

yeh... had the same thought Griff..
its one of the reasons why we dont share good biking roads on the map...they start to get full of people..shame though..

but anyway here's a link to a second map. altough on this one only I can add markers, after reading the above, I think it makes sense.
is just for you guys to see how pictures can be added too..

LANDYZONE - Byways and Play areas - Google Maps

Or if you click on Mymaps you should be able to see both maps and even overlay them
I added close to me on the map ... ;)

Great idea. ;)
and ya don't think they can follow you home when yer out in yer landy?:doh:

not him, he int gorra licence ! :D

i have had a car follow me every night fer ages, then saw it parked next to me trailer, then after i aproached him about it , i have never seen the car again , weird , dunno what he were after
Call me cynical but in effect you are telling theives exactly were to get your landy from...

I dont think people are that dumb....do you?

You dont have to put a postcode to get a marker on the map, you choose where you want it.
So just place it 10 miles from your actual address....it's just to have a rough idea where people are located.

Will make life much easier when people are looking for someone to go out on a greenlaning day...just check the map and send a few PMs...
Good idea. Added meself.. seems some of you lads are local to me!

Anyway, it'd be good to get this or something similar built into the site, but hidden from viewing for guests? chomplicated stuff I know, but someone must be able to do it!

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