reet now how to use the bugger

get yerself a 15 - 20mm strip of either steel or brass just as long as its less than 1mm thick it should be fine

now thread it through the bottom half under the thinner end of the steel rod about 25mm past the back of the rod then bend it over the top towards you like this

then close the top half over on it and give it a slap with the hammer

then because you left one end of the first rod open and raised a little its possible to slide the metal strip out of the end of the device easily to get something like this

all you need to do now is snip this off with the aviation snips and you got yerself a universal pretty much bomb proof clip for wires fuel lines brake pipes you name it if itll go through it its made for it

i made 30 of these clips in under 5 minutes at the cost of just a bit of time and scrap i dont even wanna know what parts companys would charge for these buggers or even if they can still be bought :D:D:D
Nice one Johnny, I like to see things like this. Think I would have been lazy and used tie wrap (or twisted wire!). Craddocks do still have the regular wiring P-clips at sensible prices but the brake clip to chassis ones are about £2 and I like yours better anyway!

Nice one Johnny, I like to see things like this. Think I would have been lazy and used tie wrap (or twisted wire!). Craddocks do still have the regular wiring P-clips at sensible prices but the brake clip to chassis ones are about £2 and I like yours better anyway!


cheers matey how many can i put yer down for :5bspam::5bspam::5bspam::rofl::rofl:
the reason i find ways of doing things and show how to do it yerselves is to stop overpricing fat cat companys making a mint off simple nesecitys

information and knowledge should be free and open to anyone and evryone :D:D:D
Ooooh, nice one, gonna make one of those tomorrow. :D I normally wrap it around a bolt of the size needed, and squish it in the vice, works but slow.;)
:dance: had a bit of a triunph today i actually got 3 hours to meself while the eldest was at school and the missus and little un went to her mum n dads for the afternoon so i took out the clutch master and slave cylinders and the pipe fer it aswell and cleaned it all up to a mint finish inside and out and found a few little no no's in the process

on taking the slave out i originaly thought there was no rubber crap cover cap on the bizniss end till i stuck me fingers in the hole and found not only 1 not 2 but 3 of the buggers wedged in the hole it took me ages to fish them out of the bell housing with the needle nosed pliers but still got to pick the best of the 3 to clean up and put back on

spent a good half hour with the cheezy bleed and an old coke bottle getting all the air out of the system and voilla i now have a near perfect working clutch then spent half hour doing the boring stuff like tidying up the wiring loom and clipping pipes n wires to the chassis and pannels :dance:
Your doing well m8 Im really impressed how your keeping yourself motivated. I still having finished welding the chassis on mine lol

i can't wait for you to finish so i kidnap you and lock you in a room with my Landy. I think its the only way its ever gonna get finished lol

good work m8 keep it up
Your doing well m8 Im really impressed how your keeping yourself motivated. I still having finished welding the chassis on mine lol

i can't wait for you to finish so i kidnap you and lock you in a room with my Landy. I think its the only way its ever gonna get finished lol

good work m8 keep it up

id welcome that as a well needed break from the norm :cool::cool:

if you do just remember keep me supplied with copious ammounts of grinding discs welding gas and wire strong coffee proplus and ciggies :D:D:D
1:30am and just finished reading the thread... can't wait to see minnie back on the road.

Amazing work and great read!!
I bet your Landy would run on that stuff!!!!

dunno bout the landy but its keeping me doris ticking over nicely :lvlove-158::lvlove-158: shes already starting to get her figure back and the little un has not lost any weight after birth shes actually put on 150 grams in the 8 days shes been out so the midwifes have discharged her from home visits :D:D:D
Its always good to get rid of the wobbley bits lol Sarah is still trying to get rid of hers 5 years later. :mooning::mooning::mooning:
Its always good to get rid of the wobbley bits lol Sarah is still trying to get rid of hers 5 years later. :mooning::mooning::mooning:

thats the big difference between our laydees mat mine doesnt drive so shes pushing the pram evrywhere she goes and yours just nicks the festa ;);)

hide the keys and watch the wobbly bits vanish :behindsofa:
Ha ha you are probably right. Apart from the fez is probably smaller than my dining table now we scrapped it last week after the piston rings went on cylinders 3 + 4. She has got an ex plod astra now. £155 for a scrapper now. bonus!!!
Ha ha you are probably right. Apart from the fez is probably smaller than my dining table now we scrapped it last week after the piston rings went on cylinders 3 + 4. She has got an ex plod astra now. £155 for a scrapper now. bonus!!!

please tell me you didnt try towing the landy with the fester :D:D:D
No but it probably would have done it. It went all the way to hull and back on 2/3 cylinders doing 70-80. I was trying to kill it but i couldn't

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