i think an invasion of mintys virtual bar could be on the cards when wetting the babys head

once again cheers for the words of support gents even me doris is encouraged by you all :D:D:D
Congratulations johnny, Im really happy for you all. My litter en was born 10 weeks early and only weighed 2lb11oz and now she id the biggest in her class, babies are amazing they are so resilient.
reet now were back on track ( sort of ) :D:D

i managed to get a couple of hours on the landy while evryone was here visiting and crowding the house out i made a bid for the back end and managed to strip sand fill block prime and paint the bugger and blew the rear of the tub to match ive still got to fit the handles latch and fettle the fitting of it but arguably its coming along

ive also got me slave cylinder stripped down and soaking in diesel ready for its refurb and refit as soon as i get chance :D:D:D
Congrats johnny.

Always great when you know the brakes work.

Oh and well done on the squalling thing anorl :D :D
Congratulations on the small one!

but please don't say you made the cot out of old landy parts! :scratching_chin:
Congratulations on the small one!

but please don't say you made the cot out of old landy parts! :scratching_chin:

now dont be silly its a 2 foot propane tank cut in half with angle iron legs cut off an old road sign painted with POR15 and a landyzone sticker on the front :D:D:D
now dont be silly its a 2 foot propane tank cut in half with angle iron legs cut off an old road sign painted with POR15 and a landyzone sticker on the front :D:D:D

Ideal and it can be converted to a bbq when the child moves to a bigger 47kg one:p
Ideal and it can be converted to a bbq when the child moves to a bigger 47kg one:p

:Dsnigger:D im also working on using a pair of crotchless rubber shorts a pair of braces and the bottom half of a 25ltr plastic barrell to retrofit her with a septic tank that should only need emptying once a month making a massive saving on not buying loads a nappies :D:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek:
:Dsnigger:D im also working on using a pair of crotchless rubber shorts a pair of braces and the bottom half of a 25ltr plastic barrell to retrofit her with a septic tank that should only need emptying once a month making a massive saving on not buying loads a nappies :D:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek:
it will do when i get the family back into some sort of routine and get back at it i struggled like fook to find 5 mins fer a cig and brew today unless i start doing nights on her starting with a big sort out in the shed :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
ye congrats on your baby mate !! get him/her painting ya landy !!! haha:):):):rolly::rolly:

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