Yeah i had it all planned out if it died on the way to the new car i was gonna have the Aa take us to the new car and scrap it in hull but it just kept on plodding although the oil light was coming ongoing round bends towards the end of the trip and it was using about 20% more fuel
but are not the new land rovers a slitty??????????? they are owned by a asian car company :eek:

FT we don't think of Japanese as Asians(although they obviously are) these and the Chinese are usually referred to as being slitty eyed..
Our Asians come mainly from the areas around India, just to clear up any confusion;)
anyone know anything bout military or coastguard id numbers as ive just been out investigating a loud smash sound out back had me usual peep over the fence turned round and theres some kind of id numbers in 2" high black letters and numbers over the centre of the windscreen on the roof

im thinking it used to be either coastguard or airport as at some point it was painted sunflower yellow and now seeing these numbers ill clean them up properly for tomorow but for now it looks to be

318.6W can anyone shed any light on this number or its origin as its another avenue to research for her history ;););)

Aerial roof markings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vehicle Usage Markings
On a typical vehicle roof layout, the Vehicle Usage Marking is preceded by the accord and integer PNC Force Identifier; the individual (and within each organisation, unique) Vehicle Identifier, commonly alphanumeric, should occupy a second line all by itself.

Have a shufty at the Wiki link - 'tis cool ;)
damn interestin read them links nice one but it doesnt appear to be anything official like that it seems to be something like sub official like a quarry explosives vehicle or boat yard shunter or launcher could even be a mining personell vehicle of some sort

on the resto front of it all ive spent the day re-bolting me floor plates in and refitting and sorting out me fuel / oil filters sediment messerators ( fer ming ) and boring stuff like that

gonna see if i can finish me fuel bits orff tomorrow and finish the cab in one way or another to see where i end up but will put pics up when i get to a stage where it looks like things are getting done :D:D:D

had a half decent afternoon on minnie today

finnished clipping me pipes n wires in under the floors
bolted the fuel tank back in properly
finished piping me fuel system up
primed all the fuel system
filled the engine water oil and antifreeze
fixed the cab floors back in
prepped sanded primed and painted the bonnet
touched up all the chassis where i missed with the paint ( red oxide showing through here n there)
cleaned out and changed the oil in the air filter
and got it lookin something like right

lets see what the weather does tomorrow :D:D:D:D
im too tight fisted fer that and im still waiting fer me new couch comeing so i can skinn the old ones and exercise the singer sewing machine i pulled out of a skip to make new leather covers for them :D:D:D
Cant believe ya aint flicked the key yet,I wouldn't be able to resist!

i want 2 things before i do

1 the gearbox oil leaks sorting out and all me diffs n boxes engine oil the lot spot on first :D:D

2 the crazy old diesel mechanic over the street here when i do as he made me promise not to fire it up unless hes there as its his favourite past time timing and fettling engines when theyre fired for the first time :rolleyes::rolleyes:

how can i deny the man that tought me so much such a simple pleasure :cool::cool::cool:

maybee one other thing with his permission to video it if i can if not video its first movement out of the yard under its own power for the first time :D:D:D
but are not the new land rovers a slitty??????????? they are owned by a asian car company :eek:

Does that thought pattern, not make most of the USA Slitty then??? As China has a controlling stake in the US's economy..
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You are wrong there again please prove your self instead of spouting ****. You the EU do more trading with china than we do,and Britain is part of the EU.

And look into how many American company's operate in your country and the amount of people they employ and amount of taxes american company's pay. Did you know that 55% of your insurance companys are foreign owned.And the US own 40% of insurance companys in Britland

I fort this were Johnnys resto project, go tout yer garbage on anuvver fred:mad:

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