Don't want to drag this thread off topic and into another of your PATHETIC RANTS. happy to start a new thread though.
You are wrong there again please prove your self instead of spouting ****. You the EU do more trading with china than we do,and Britain is part of the EU.

And look into how many American company's operate in your country and the amount of people they employ and amount of taxes american company's pay. Did you know that 55% of your insurance companys are foreign owned.And the US own 40% of insurance companys in Britland

every day its the same ****, threads on anything goes end up bein hijacked so it reads the same as all the others that have this ****e or they get ignored. :(

I rest my case... :rolleyes:
im baaaack

starting off with a big thanks to bigsi fer the glass its all in but i need the paint and sealant to go off overnight before i start with the runners :D:D:D:D

its great to put a face to the name

skinned me couches aswell today :D:D:D:D

and just out of interest is that cafe any good ? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
it helps if don't post in some other dudes resto thread:doh: as stated good cafe, great black pudding. cheers matey.
anyway hold on te yer knickers boys n gurls as its lookin like saturday fer the startup and tune in and i got something with a little nostalgic status but i dunno if itll be a bit too much
ill get a pic of it in a few mins

and cheers bigsi youve confirmed within 40 nseconds of seeing the landy that it is actually a series 2a wich has been identity raped and stripped for another bull**** mobile probably by the farmers i bought the bugger off
anyway hold on te yer knickers boys n gurls as its lookin like saturday fer the startup and tune in and i got something with a little nostalgic status but i dunno if itll be a bit too much
ill get a pic of it in a few mins

and cheers bigsi youve confirmed within 40 nseconds of seeing the landy that it is actually a series 2a wich has been identity raped and stripped for another bull**** mobile probably by the farmers i bought the bugger off
don't tek my word for it mate , i know fek all:eek::)
damn right its an 8 track and i got a big box full of catridge tapes aswell mostly country n western and a few from donny osmond :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Big up for the 8track. Not so sure about the Osmonds. Where you going to put your speakers. I had some fancy ones in bent alluminium boxes...they sound like an ant farting down a brake pipe! Need to make up some MDF boxes before my next road-trip!

Can't wait to see your upholstering!
Big up for the 8track. Not so sure about the Osmonds. Where you going to put your speakers. I had some fancy ones in bent alluminium boxes...they sound like an ant farting down a brake pipe! Need to make up some MDF boxes before my next road-trip!

Can't wait to see your upholstering!

the 8 track is going in tandem with me pioneer cd head unit the speakers ive got designs on but need a sheet of 18mm mdf and half a sheet of hardboard fer that the design is one of those i know what im after i just need to get there ( the joiner in me is saying it can be done )

im more concerned in getting it roadworthy first but might as well have all the wiring and fookin about done while im at it :D:D
iiitttttssssss alliiiivve !!!!!at the moment im fekkin about with the fuel distribution pump as it smokes worse than me :smokin::smokin::D:D:D:D:D:D:clap2::clap2::clap2::5bparty::5bparty::5bparty:
not put any pics up fer a bit so here goes

and as fer the smoke tonight mathew im going to be !!!!! smokey robinson

think i just need that little extra tweak to it and itll clear up with a decent run i think as it doesnt do it at fast idle

what do you guys think ??:decision::decision:

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