I ask the questions everyone else is thinking :D

you don't know me, I don't know you so lets not go down the fighty route eh

ask those peeps I've sent free parts to, or driven 100s of miles (at my expense) to collect and distribute parts for here, way before you were here, what they think of me - that's what matters to me
I dont want to know you but I reckon Johnny has done a bloody good job with the resources at his disposal. You could ask that question of any rebuild, professional or otherwise, not seen posts of your rebuild, or was that before I started posting? Looking forward to a thread on Sean's restoration. :rolleyes:
Good advice from Storm on the legal front. Scum like that threaten all sorts of rubbish in an authoritative tone, but that doesn't mean they have a leg to stand on.

Politely request a list of items that you are in breach of cross referenced to your current tenancy agreement. Don't lose your rag, smile a lot (that really winds them up), be polite, overly polite, but insist that they come up with the goods so that your Solicitor can look it over (doesn't matter if you don't have one) :rulez:

Well impressed with the waste oil heater. And very impressed with your collie too
incase yer wondering i put up with pure shyte attitude from someone who just got promoted from the shop floor to lower management and became clinicaly depressed with the situation aswell as things getting seriousley on top of me at home emotionaly financialy coupled with being bullied into doing over 30 hours overtime most weeks and getting screwed over wages wise caused the last straw when i flipped in work due to physical exhaustion and stress apparantly becoming verry dangerous within seconds according to the lads ive seen since then and got carted out in a nut coat shipped to withington hospital for 2 weeks on the 24 hour suicide watch then ordered not to go to work for 6 months but needed something to do in the meantime so after a word with me doc i took on this project

things were going fine till this **** happened now i got a 28 day deadline to get it roadworthy respectable and the back yard turned into a palace coz of the woman hitler from the council poking her oar in

other than that nothing much :D:D
Get a letter from your GP to point out that your resto' is part of your recovery. Send it to the housing wummin.Also ask for them to point out in writing etc as advised above. Good luck M8ey.
Keep up the good work pal, its looking great and makes me wish I had stripped mine to that level instead of doing a rolling resto!
Nothing like getting stuck into something cos you enjoy it for therapy, head clearing, whatever you want to call it. Helped me loads following some issues I had after an accident!
Keep up the good work pal, its looking great and makes me wish I had stripped mine to that level instead of doing a rolling resto!
Nothing like getting stuck into something cos you enjoy it for therapy, head clearing, whatever you want to call it. Helped me loads following some issues I had after an accident!

i can totally relate to that mate i just cant figure out just where these cnuts get off stressing people out

more to the point me missus nearley chinned the bitch coz she did a visual inspection of the entire house evry room was clean but livved in yer know the odd dog hair here n there as shes moulting the empty coffee mug on the kitchen counter general **** like that

the only room that wasnt immaculate was jaymies room that was as usual a bomb site wich this bitch turned her nose up and sternly stated to me and me doris you need to take pride in your house and keep it tidy and this room needs sorting out

at this point me missus flew towards her shouting this is the room of a 4 yr old child who enjoys playing and is too young yet to learn the mentality of an OCD impulsive cleaner and raised her hand i then held me doris back :boxing::boxing::boxing::boxing:

just wondering given the current state of affairs towards my health and her physical condition is it worth reporting this bitch for her way of behaviour or what :confused::confused::confused:
Aye, make formal complaint, coupled with a letter from your GP. Cow.
Go for it. At the end of the day she's a wage slave for the council and has no real power. In order to cause you any real grief she has to jump though so many hoops and engage authority levels way up the ladder, by the time you tell them:-
1) your issues
2) The little one already living at your address
3) Your beloved about to produce issue
4) your current lack of income (see 1 above)

The council aren't going to give you any problems.
Ya done well Johnny, nosey bitch over stepped the boundry.The Landy has/will given you more pleasure than a brand new motor ever could.It will be a motor you can use not just polish.by the time you have dragged 3/4 ton of boiler in the back and a bit of off roading it will have scatches and dinks.But you will know every nut and bolt on the old girl.
you should of got nosey bitches name and contact address and Fanny could have organised a new CV for her!:D
Ya done well Johnny, nosey bitch over stepped the boundry.The Landy has/will given you more pleasure than a brand new motor ever could.It will be a motor you can use not just polish.by the time you have dragged 3/4 ton of boiler in the back and a bit of off roading it will have scatches and dinks.But you will know every nut and bolt on the old girl.
you should of got nosey bitches name and contact address and Fanny could have organised a new CV for her!:D

stupid cows name is on the letter anyway and i know the office shes connected to but knowing my luck lately it wont be enough to find her ;);)
thing is since the cow has been me doris has had violent sharp twinges and severe back pain getting slightly worse as the day has gone on so im sat here watching her balance a hand cream tin on the belly and watch it get kicked off

tonight could be the night approx 14 days early cheers bitch :mad::mad:
hoping everything goes ok for ya mate,there is enough stress about without outsiders bringing it to ya

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