Congratulations Johnny, well done to one and all. Ask the docs to stick an extra stitch in your lasses tear and it will be like having a new Doris ;)

Now back to the Landy, kids come along all the time, restos like yours are much rarer :)
cheers lads i can see a henry wintermans and a double brandy coming my way when they come home .........................and a pint of baileys for me doris aswell ( she deserves it )
I shall commence smoking a victory cigar on your behalf presently young JC, good show old boy well done:p:D
Fantastic news Johnny - congratulations! :D

There are a few more important things than Landy's - this being one of the few!

Glad all are doing well.
I’ve been dipping in and out of this tread all day (should be working but there you go) and I’ve got to ask whether or not Hollywood have got the movie rights to this story yet, I’m sure even Brad Pitt could be taught to look convincing with a welding rig... or possibly not... Jeez, it’s got everything! Congrats all round JC!
Very best wishes mate - Top news !!!!
My lad was born 10 weeks ago and to celebrate I went out and bought my Landy (long story)
for those who asked i am now a daddy again as of 4:35 am this morning im absolutely shattered me doris has a 3rd degree tear and has to stay in for 24 hours and lacey may has to stay in aswell due to her only weighing 5lb-3oz and finding it difficult to keep herself warm on her own

ive been sent home for a couple of hours sleep as i fell asleep in a chair with a brew in me hand dozed off and i now have a large scald on me lap :doh::doh::doh::flame::flame::flame::flame: other than that were all ok though ill resume efforts on the landy next week i think :D:D:D
Big congratulations mate

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