Hey J! I know what it is like to get stress just before delivery: My wife was in labour when a security company sent the boys round to do their stuff.... got so aggressive she aborted labour

Luckily no issues whenlabour re-appeared a couple of days later....

Tell Doris to take a deep breath! Priorities -
good on ya JC ,ignore the bitch and go to the cheif exec of your housing group with a complaint about her attitude,I work in housing and it's rarely worth going to a lower manager as they will cover their own arses first. as for the tenency agreement ours are the same here, no untaxed ,un moted or uninsured vehicles allowed on council property and no storing of parts allowed in garages ,all garages have to be empty apart from the totally legal vehicle stored within, however if you didn't sign the new agreement then ask them to produce a copy of the new one as signed by yourself or **** off .good luck with the nipper and the mrs mate.
at this point me missus flew towards her shouting............and raised her hand i then held me doris back :boxing::boxing::boxing::boxing:

I really don't want to heap troubles on top of existing ones, but you might want to perhaps prepare yourself for some potential consequences for the above. Zero tolerance on anything they class as abuse or threatening behaviour towards staff . ........ Can put your tenancy more in jeopardy than a mere Landy can . :(
I really don't want to heap troubles on top of existing ones, but you might want to perhaps prepare yourself for some potential consequences for the above. Zero tolerance on anything they class as abuse or threatening behaviour towards staff . ........ Can put your tenancy more in jeopardy than a mere Landy can . :(
i'd pray for a bit of common sense on the landlords part and put it down as a one off due to pregnancy hormones.
i'd pray for a bit of common sense on the landlords part and put it down as a one off due to pregnancy hormones.

if theres any comeback off that ill be straight into the CAB claiming legal aid and going for a full on court case claiming harrassment on both me and the missus against said cow for blatant abuse on two vulnerable tennants

IE: me for me depression and me doris for her hormones and physical state at present

isnt pregnancy and becoming parents supposed to be peacefull and memorable for all the right reasons not for the stress and anguish nobody needs speshuly coming from a woman hitler with a clipboard and pen !!!:cool::cool::cool:
if theres any comeback off that ill be straight into the CAB claiming legal aid and going for a full on court case claiming harrassment on both me and the missus against said cow for blatant abuse on two vulnerable tennants

IE: me for me depression and me doris for her hormones and physical state at present

isnt pregnancy and becoming parents supposed to be peacefull and memorable for all the right reasons not for the stress and anguish nobody needs speshuly coming from a woman hitler with a clipboard and pen !!!:cool::cool::cool:
I wouldn't pay it no mind until an official complaint comes through the door mate, just concentrate on enjoying time with the mrs and getting ready for the baby.
There's no point in stressing about things that are already done or are beyond your control ,take each day as it comes wether good or bad dude and you will be fine.
anyway back at the ranch ive been messing with a washer pump i took the washer bottle off a disco some time ago and today had a 10 minute fook around with the biiiiggg pump off that and got it working with a bucket and car battery ( i think its the one that works the headlight jets )

anyroad it cant arff shift some water so im gonna make me own jets fer it to work on me windscreen

probably blow the glass out of the fekkin windscreen knowing me :behindsofa:
it appears that ther is a grass in the midst

yesterday with the meeting they didnt go in the garden so they certainly havent been in the shed so how do they know about me lathe

ive had a letter this morning from the housing with headed and highlighted paragraphs from the tennancy agreement corresponding to the landy and also adding that we have been told to redecorate the interior of the house as it looks like it needs doing and a full tidy out right throughout

thing is they have added another paragraph wich states im not allowed trailers boats caravans or anything else like that on these premises

there is also an extra paragraph stating ther is not to be any kind of industrial machinery anywhere in the premises wich to me corelates to the lathe that they personaly havent seen nor been anywhere near

the only person that overlooks the back yard are my 2 neighbours
on one side its a little old lady who is absolutely sound i help her by lifting and shifting her flower pots and bins and she in return gives us things like strawberry plants and other exess veg shes grown in her greenhouse and garden

on the other side is the dark horse known to be a grass nobody on this estate has a good word to say bout him hes secretive has 4 vehicles cloggs the street up with them and has had it in for us since we moved in hes a genuine victor meldrew an absolute asshole but is the only person on this street that has bought his house

doing me own little history research hes run the last 4 tennants out of this house before us so what the **** can i do about him coz at this moment im thinking of serious retribution here
If it came to it, i don't the lathe could be classified as industrial. What does that even mean?

I assume it's only single phase so that's bollocks.
If it came to it, i don't the lathe could be classified as industrial. What does that even mean?

I assume it's only single phase so that's bollocks.

of course its only single phase whats more its only a 1hp motor whereas B&Q do diy tools with twice the power ;);)
there is also an extra paragraph stating ther is not to be any kind of industrial machinery anywhere in the premises wich to me corelates to the lathe that they personaly havent seen nor been anywhere near

The lathe is a hobby item.

Can they really 'make' to decorate?

How long have you been there?

I would have a word with citizen advice, they might be able to advise you and possibly help with a letter that will slow things down. Also a letter from you doctors, both yours and Dorris, about stress on top of your present situation will be detremental to your health situation.

Don't annoy the neighbour that is causing the grief, do the opposite. If you do the 'olive branch' bit then at least he will not have anything else to add to the list of problems he thinks he has.

Johnny, sending you a PM.

I ask the questions everyone else is thinking :D

you don't know me, I don't know you so lets not go down the fighty route eh

ask those peeps I've sent free parts to, or driven 100s of miles (at my expense) to collect and distribute parts for here, way before you were here, what they think of me - that's what matters to me
sometimes you should kep your thoughts to yourself:mad:
as for the tenency agreement ours are the same here, no untaxed ,un moted or uninsured vehicles allowed on council property and no storing of parts allowed in garages ,all garages have to be empty apart from the totally legal vehicle stored within, .

How do people cope with such stringent, draconian tenancy agreements? I am so glad I own my own place.
I guess different parts of the country have other rules, or they are not followed, I can think of council owned properties in the less pleasant areas of Sheffield that look like breakers yards and the council bods don't seem to bother them?
since ive been here the bathroom looked like the council had prepped it for replastering and abandoned it so for the last 2 years ive been asking for them to sort it out so i can decorate the bastid to absolutely no evail

so ive just spent the day and done it me friggin self !!!!
done some little jobs on the landy today and got the coolant system piped up and engine water in all bled up nicely and pressure tested it fer leaks not a single sodding drip engine not ready for starting yet as im waiting for a little cash to flush the remainder of that tractor heating fuel oil out and put a few gallons of real diesel in so the fuel pipes arent connected yet but its getting there just not anything that warrants a piccie just yet :D:D:D

if i can figure out how to upload videos to youtube i will be doing a vid of her maiden voyage out of the back yard when shes ready though :D:D:D
laydees and gents we now have a set of bloody mint working brakes

tested on me own by using me home made air ram on the brake pedal jacking up the entire car onto its stands then going round with the torque wrench set at top whack (200lbf )
and i cant even turn the fookin wheels at that and they all release perfectly
laydees and gents we now have a set of bloody mint working brakes

tested on me own by using me home made air ram on the brake pedal jacking up the entire car onto its stands then going round with the torque wrench set at top whack (200lbf )
and i cant even turn the fookin wheels at that and they all release perfectly

Now why didn't i think of that? when i fitted the disco axles(discs all round) i just went down the road and stamped on the brake pedal..................i've still got the mark on my head where it hit the screen! :doh:
Now why didn't i think of that? when i fitted the disco axles(discs all round) i just went down the road and stamped on the brake pedal..................i've still got the mark on my head where it hit the screen! :doh:

its just the way i work mate i dont ever take or move a vehicle anywhere unless i know full well its going to be able to stop and more to the point itll move again when ive stopped it

learnt the hard way after trusting the rear brakes to ATS some years back

hit the brakes on the m60 after picking up the escrot from them only to feel the pedal dissappear from under me feet swing hard left and battled with it at 75mph onto the hard shoulder

found the rear right brake drum ****ed through with fluid smoking its balls off and the inside of me duds were not as clean as they should have been

being resourcefull i used what i had to hand

filled the brake reservoire with fairy liquid bled the brakes up useing just gravity and a pair of molegrips then clamped the rubber hose off on the offending brake drum with the molegrips crossed me fingers toes eyes balls n evrything else i had and made my way home before the vosa motorway plod showed up :cool::cool::cool:
Bit disappointing really Johnny...thought you of all people would have fabbed up some rollers for brake testing overnight! :biggrin1:
for those who asked i am now a daddy again as of 4:35 am this morning im absolutely shattered me doris has a 3rd degree tear and has to stay in for 24 hours and lacey may has to stay in aswell due to her only weighing 5lb-3oz and finding it difficult to keep herself warm on her own

ive been sent home for a couple of hours sleep as i fell asleep in a chair with a brew in me hand dozed off and i now have a large scald on me lap :doh::doh::doh::flame::flame::flame::flame: other than that were all ok though ill resume efforts on the landy next week i think :D:D:D

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