Slacker, pull yer finger out:p:D

The glow plugs activate on the key- held against the spring just before the starter kicks in.

If that makes sense:confused:
Slacker, pull yer finger out:p:D

The glow plugs activate on the key- held against the spring just before the starter kicks in.

If that makes sense:confused:

slacker thats a new one

right cheers fer that gratch so i have got the bastid wired up right it must be summot and nowt ive overlooked or missed its done me nuts in good and proppa ill ave another good bash at it in the morning ;);):fighting2::fighting2:
just been out fer another half hour in the fekkin rain with me inspection lamp and extension lead in a bin bag :eek::eek::eek:

and ive sussed it theres something stopping the ignition barrell turning round far enough to get to the second click where the cold start light should come on and id also forgot to tighten the eart on the back of the clocks :doh:
anyway just for the feck of it i just went back out again and took a couple of pics since me handles and heater intake vent got put back on this afternoon coz i was fed up of moving them from A to B and back again as theyre always in me bloody way

if its fine enough tomorow and there aint too much wrong with the barrel that should be the cab wiring done with and then its back to the rapid refitting stuff again :dance::dance:
Is you a dad agin' yet? Some of us gradparent age types are nearly as exited about the new addition to your family as the progress on the Landy :)
Nice body job!
Do us a favour and take some pics of fitting the door top, incl rubber seal and glazing strips, there are no good diagrams on the web or in books!
im not a dad again just yet but ive been roped into the nesting bizniss and ordered to tidy the back garden up a bit
although i dont like being ordered to do things i didnt mind this massive task too much as i think minnie could do with clean surroundings since shes not a farm hack scrapper anymore so from 6 this morning to 7 this evening ive done this

and ssshhhhh !!!! dont tell the missus but ive secretly been doing a bit on the landy aswell and got 99% of me wiring buttoned up and fixed the bloody ignition barrel

the problem was the tube on the top where the original engine shut off knob used to be had a bit of the old one stuck in where the pin locks it off from the ignition barrel so i just opened the bugger up and removed the pin and little lever that was jammed and it works a minter now

and a little porn fer the lads :D:D:D

Nice body job!
Do us a favour and take some pics of fitting the door top, incl rubber seal and glazing strips, there are no good diagrams on the web or in books!

will do when i get that far mate no worries

just one question do either craddocks or paddocks do the rubber seal kits if so how much and whats the product numbers :cool::cool::cool:
I got my door and windscreen seals from britpart……not the greatest move but I thought they wouldn't be able to cock up a piece of adhesive rubber
started getting a move on again with it lads did a bit with the seatbox today so ive got a little more room in me sheds and done some piping in the engine bay getting ready for the engine water going in

i must say them fray bentos pie trays with a speaker magnet in them have done me proud i havent lost a single nut or bolt yet :D:D:D:D
started getting a move on again with it lads did a bit with the seatbox today so ive got a little more room in me sheds and done some piping in the engine bay getting ready for the engine water going in

i must say them fray bentos pie trays with a speaker magnet in them have done me proud i havent lost a single nut or bolt yet :D:D:D:D
I love a Fray Bentos pie, I can eat a whole one with peas and chips no problem.
Very nice!
How did you fit your handbrake gator? Did you make it an "inny" or an "outy"?
I put mine in as per manual, but now the handbrake wont catch!
Is that a waste oil heater in the background?

the handbrake gaiter is not factory standard or anything like that

it started life as a draught excluder for a letterbox ( the brush type ) i took 1 brush out as it was on an aluminium rod type thingy bent it in half and trimmed the bristles to suit and then trapped it behind the original bezzel thing round the handbrake tightened it up and trimmed the bristles off the outer edge of it

trouble is if i remove it in the future for any reason all the bristles will fall off and ill have to start again :frown::frown:

and yes the thing in the back is a waste oil heater

that started off life as 4 items

1 propane gas bottle out of a patio heater
1 round cast iron grid grate
1 pole off a no ball games sign
and the cyliner off an old fire extinguisher

i followed this geezers design and changed it to suit

Drip Feed Waste Oil Heater, First Test. - YouTube

i just changed the dimensions and air flow direction a little to get more heat in the bottom primary burner ( the fire extinguisher ) to be capable of burning waste engine oil cleanley
the original design he has is designed to burn chippy oil and as thats not that easy to obtain or purify enough to run in this it was just easier to alter it to run on used engine oil than spend all me time filtering veggie oil that looks like puke
it is however a work in progress as im only just getting to the finer points of making it burn efficiently with verry little or no smoke at all but plenty of heat

at the moment it uses half a pint of oil evry 2 hours on a drip feed and keeps that entire area at a constant 21 degrees or 200 degrees on the burner itself
when the wind aint blowing a gale :D:D:D
i dont fekkin believe this!!!!!

just had a visit from the fekkin housing officer (the bitch she even looks like the prison governor off that film death race )

they have seen the landy in the back yard and told me im in breach of the tennancy agreement and i subsequently have 28 days to finish it to a roadworthy standard get it MOT ed and taxed and parked on the drive

she was stageing a 2 year survey bull**** fassard of how were keeping the house in order and up to standard but kept asking if we had any problems with the neighbours ( hint hint itll be the jealous arsehole next door thats grassed me for it )

this has now become a full on mission and all out war :boxing::boxing::boxing:

is it possible for me to achieve this ??
can it be done ??
we will find out boys n gurls :confused::confused::confused:

im orff in the back to get some graft done before i have to get jaymie from school but this is now going to happen thick and fast

ps anyone wanna buy me trailer tent cheap ?? i need funds for the mot and registration !!!
Surely if its on a sorn you can keep it on your drive? thats what a driveway is can she decide it has to be taxed and tested??

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