Ooohhhh.... I have just received a letter from that nice Mr. Khan of Londonistan and his "Road User Charging Team" to tell me that my Rangie isn't compliant and when his scheme starts I am toast and all the lovely ways in which I can pay.
It seems my trips to my Sister in Beckenham have put me in reach of his cameras so he is letting me know in advance.
How kind. :(
...I have lost the "emotional blackmail" war and so I shall be "helping" to clear the MIL's brambles & briar and overgrown stuff with a hedge trimmer tomorrow. Apparently I am the only person in the entire family that is able to wield a hedge-trimmer.
Her Son can't, his kids can't and my kids can't. While "Gardeners" are actually available for hire (and she certainly has the money to pay) the old bat is adamant she doesn't want strangers in the garden. I am fuming, but domestic harmony is more important.
I shall do my best to accidentally created a razed-earth situation so that I do not get asked again. :mad:
Family bonding time... many hands make light work and all that! Get lots of the people listed involved, and have a meal out in the newly cleared garden. She can't object to that without looking unreasonable!
LOTS of domestics to do as well though.
God, domestics are SO boring, I normally do my share but doing it all is just ..........SOOOOOOOOOO Boring. :(:(:(:(:(
Time to get an Oh Pair.
Ooohhhh.... I have just received a letter from that nice Mr. Khan of Londonistan and his "Road User Charging Team" to tell me that my Rangie isn't compliant and when his scheme starts I am toast and all the lovely ways in which I can pay.
It seems my trips to my Sister in Beckenham have put me in reach of his cameras so he is letting me know in advance.
How kind. :(
Is neither of you a Blue badge holder or even better a tax free through disability car owner? Cos if you is you can use that to get around it.
Sadly not we are both blessedly sound in wind & limb.
Well I am glad that you are both fit and healthy.
Just a thought as W's blue badge and tax free car mean we can go into Wandsworth to do the visa biz without worrying about it.
Her 2004 Pluriel is compliant anyway, but it means that if she had to go with me in the Disco we could do so but that would mean making an arrangement i.e. booking the visit with the ULEZ police.
Ooohhhh.... I have just received a letter from that nice Mr. Khan of Londonistan and his "Road User Charging Team" to tell me that my Rangie isn't compliant and when his scheme starts I am toast and all the lovely ways in which I can pay.
It seems my trips to my Sister in Beckenham have put me in reach of his cameras so he is letting me know in advance.
How kind. :(
Us du consider meself powerful lucky not tu have tu visit Cap'n Sad Dick's piratical fiefdom but this is just another good reason not tu go. Plenty uv uvver places selling what Lunnen does (drugs, under-age kids, illegal arms etc). Think us boys'll stick tu Skegness fer us days oat. Feel sorry for those with family there and no way out though.
I have never been wealthy enough to be able to go fly fishing anywhere near where I live.
Plus I'd never do it for sport, I'd want to eat em!
But then W is allaergic to all fish and shellfish, she can't even stand the smell of it cooking.
So fish and eye don't see I to I.
But all that sitting on a bank watching a float..... do nothing....... I'd almost rather watch cricket! ;)
Fly fishing is mentally and physically very demanding 😩😩

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