What type model Stan 👍 leftys
Leftys? as we is in Frogland? Obvs!
But what was a little funny was that afore that I looked for Citroen Pluriels as that is what W drives and is in love with. To the point that she wanted to buy another just for spares. They is as rare as rockin horse poop. and far more expensive than the Jags. AND they is almost all the puny little 1.4 diesels or peteroils unlike her 1.6 sensodrive.

But the two jags, one was a V8 thing and the other was not so big engined. I forget the details and a bot of wine plus aperos mean I am not in a posish to be givin details at the mo!! Hic! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Yessdi was cool and overcast for quite a bit.
The plastic click together buckles arrived in the post box so we never had to stay in for them anyway. Grrr!:mad::mad:
Today started cool and misty. It is no longer misty and the sun is out so I think I'll have a crack at making the jobbies to attach the bubble wrap to the poley thing what it'll be wrapped around.
LOTS of domestics to do as well though.
God, domestics are SO boring, I normally do my share but doing it all is just ..........SOOOOOOOOOO Boring. :(:(:(:(:(
Have a nice day folks!!
Ooohhhh.... I have just received a letter from that nice Mr. Khan of Londonistan and his "Road User Charging Team" to tell me that my Rangie isn't compliant and when his scheme starts I am toast and all the lovely ways in which I can pay.
It seems my trips to my Sister in Beckenham have put me in reach of his cameras so he is letting me know in advance.
How kind. :(

Londonistan 🤣🤣
As expected the weather only delivered a steady rain that lasted hours.
Poor chap's party was driven inside the house and a big tent he had wisely organised. He didnt skimp on on the booze. Soooo, much food! Much wasted anorl, which is a shame.
Everybody had a really nice time though, I actually got chatting to peeps I had never met before..
Dry but overcast.
Have a pleasant Sunday

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