That's a big thumbs up but I bet he can't cast a fly ether 🐟🐟🐟
I have never been wealthy enough to be able to go fly fishing anywhere near where I live.
Plus I'd never do it for sport, I'd want to eat em!
But then W is allaergic to all fish and shellfish, she can't even stand the smell of it cooking.
So fish and eye don't see I to I.
But all that sitting on a bank watching a float..... do nothing....... I'd almost rather watch cricket! ;)
At the MIL's this morning trying to cut back 4 years of overgrown bramble/roses-gone-wild etc. Did about 1/4 and then the thermal tripped on my extension lead thingy and that was it for me. Told the missus "get a frigging gardening service to do a blitz with petrol driven weed whacker type stuff, this is beyond me".
so you accidentally took my advice, well sort of.
Good for you!!!:):):)
As a 60 year old Transevoquist, I'm often mistaken for my brother sister father daughter.
I have never been wealthy enough to be able to go fly fishing anywhere near where I live.
Plus I'd never do it for sport, I'd want to eat em!
But then W is allaergic to all fish and shellfish, she can't even stand the smell of it cooking.
So fish and eye don't see I to I.
But all that sitting on a bank watching a float..... do nothing....... I'd almost rather watch cricket! ;)
How do you fish for fliesπŸ€”πŸ₯΄
Yessdi was cool and overcast for quite a bit.
The plastic click together buckles arrived in the post box so we never had to stay in for them anyway. Grrr!:mad::mad:
Today started cool and misty. It is no longer misty and the sun is out so I think I'll have a crack at making the jobbies to attach the bubble wrap to the poley thing what it'll be wrapped around.
LOTS of domestics to do as well though.
God, domestics are SO boring, I normally do my share but doing it all is just ..........SOOOOOOOOOO Boring. :(:(:(:(:(
Have a nice day folks!!
Yes, I am (it seems) the harbinger of bad news each time. She came round to see us this week (a bit tearful) to apologise for all the shenanigans and bought my wife a new plant to replace one of those that had been destroyed by the fire.
It's good, although very upsetting for her, that she does realise how serious the situation for her dad is. None of us like to be faced with problems with our loved ones especially when you can see them deteriorating through age.
Morning all tis dry at least :) Off out to sand the other door, then cut a couple of slabs. Got to go down the road
& look at a mates car he wants it plugged in to see whats wrong with it.
Then shift some blocks. It should be lunch time by then. 🀣🀣

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