Slept in went to bed after 2am, was meant to go & pick up slates today so thats cancelled ooops oh well
I spent yesterday afternoon doing all the silly cuts for the slabbing round the railings ect then built a step
ive not looked at it yet it I hope nowt has stood on it over night as the slab cuts are laid on concrete.

First job mix up some mortar as the edging is getting cemented( well after a coffee) :) :)
Us du consider meself powerful lucky not tu have tu visit Cap'n Sad Dick's piratical fiefdom but this is just another good reason not tu go. Plenty uv uvver places selling what Lunnen does (drugs, under-age kids, illegal arms etc). Think us boys'll stick tu Skegness fer us days oat. Feel sorry for those with family there and no way out though.
Nowhere, but nowhere else does the Proms. Might be a right pain in the posterior to flog into the heart of darkness, but you're not going to get John Elliot Gardner directing the Monteverdi chorus for Bach Canatas, or Simon Rattle and the Berlin Phil doing the Mahler 8th for less than the price of a pint at the student union next door anywhere else.
Nowhere, but nowhere else does the Proms. Might be a right pain in the posterior to flog into the heart of darkness, but you're not going to get John Elliot Gardner directing the Monteverdi chorus for Bach Canatas, or Simon Rattle and the Berlin Phil doing the Mahler 8th for less than the price of a pint at the student union next door anywhere else.
We have some wind chimes and a radio and we listen to the natural phononama all a round us don't need much else 😁😁😁 and it's free
Nowhere, but nowhere else does the Proms. Might be a right pain in the posterior to flog into the heart of darkness, but you're not going to get John Elliot Gardner directing the Monteverdi chorus for Bach Canatas, or Simon Rattle and the Berlin Phil doing the Mahler 8th for less than the price of a pint at the student union next door anywhere else.
Yer raight uv course. But I’ve dun that stuff and Phillip Glass and Stockhausen and The Nice and loads more. Sometimes us thinks twould be naice to be able tu get tu Lunnen but fûkkit, when yer knocks the icing off it’s still a shîthôle. Not for me any more!

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