Oh blast!:mad::mad::mad:
01:20 on the 14th and I have just realised I forgot to get a Valentine's card when we were out. oops!:rolleyes::(
I'll have to sneak out really early to the lickle local shop and get one tomoz. How will I do that without the dogs waking her?:confused:
See yez!
So, you didn't keep the one you sent her last year for another use this year?? You'll learn :D
So, you didn't keep the one you sent her last year for another use this year?? You'll learn :D
Can't do that, she keeps all the cards I ever send her, for anything, as I do hers.

We are too romantic for our own good!:):):):)
We have both exchanged gifts etc, I got a lovely card and she remembered that I had not gone and got hers when I said I would as we were busy with other stuff, so she will get one from me after she comes back from sewing. (Oooh, Matron!):):):):):)
Thanks, I think the investment in the TRV's and the baffle in the upstairs chimney is paying dividends. :)
I wonder if enough peeps around the world, doing what we are all doing now, may actooly have some effect on global consumption of energy.
It sure as heck did when it came to the oil price shooting up back in the 70s.;)
We are far more conscious of our energy usage. although we havn't gottid the TRVs. I 've just turned the rads off and closed the room doors. It certainly keeps them cooler but not enough to cause damp issues. Even in bathrooms where they only go on when we are going to be using them. ;)
I wonder if enough peeps around the world, doing what we are all doing now, may actooly have some effect on global consumption of energy.
It sure as heck did when it came to the oil price shooting up back in the 70s.;)
We are far more conscious of our energy usage. although we havn't gottid the TRVs. I 've just turned the rads off and closed the room doors. It certainly keeps them cooler but not enough to cause damp issues. Even in bathrooms where they only go on when we are going to be using them. ;)
I think the current Energy Price squeeze highlights the enormous disparity in this country.
The issue is that the wealth inequality in this country means that for the truly wealthy the energy price increases probably amount to <1% change in their overall running rate expenditure so they just don't care, its just background noise; whereas for Mr. Average on £33K p.a. with his 2.4 kids to feed and a mortgage to pay the increases are a disproportionate hammer blow. No amount of scrimping and saving by the average joe freezing his family will help his situation.
First piccy of me garage roof job. Managed to get two of the old roof sheets off today, pig of a job as they are fixed down with 4 inch long twist nails. And hard to get at as I can't clamber around on the roof as its too brittle. Target for tomorrow is to get the first few of the new joists in and temporarily fix a sheet of ply to give me a launch pad to get at the rest of the old sheets.
First piccy of me garage roof job. Managed to get two of the old roof sheets off today, pig of a job as they are fixed down with 4 inch long twist nails. And hard to get at as I can't clamber around on the roof as its too brittle. Target for tomorrow is to get the first few of the new joists in and temporarily fix a sheet of ply to give me a launch pad to get at the rest of the old sheets.
Looking good my friend :)

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