Right Tratterer peeps.
Me (gear) knob has developed an irritating buzz. Light pressure from a fingertip stops it but it comes straight back. My feeling is that it's from the bottom end of the stick and something has worn, any advice before I starts pulling things apart?
Worn or loose bush?
Well it kinda goes with your knob, don't it?!:eek::eek::eek:

(I'l get inta trubs here!):D
Well, finally printed off the manual to the overlocker. Took ages as I dint want to waste paper and toner on pages full of foreign langwidges.
Complicated muthas ain't they?!:eek:
And very versatile.

Meanwhile, the Singer that we both thought was shot, (it has brown stains on it as if it had had a fire), well for a laugh I plugged it in and it went like the clappers...:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Singer model number 401 G13 for the afficionandos. Metal bodied, so old that the plug admittedly square pin, has a switch built in. Forgot those existed!!! Even though it does more fancy stitches than the one I bought ages ago for doing work on car hoods and interiors, W assures me it'll be better than that one, which also has a dodgy motor. So win win! Maybe I'll try and flog tother'n. cost me 40 sovs ages ago! (I'll fix the motor probs) and the new one comes with its own table. :cool::cool::cool:
So that's where we are for todays program from "Overlockers and sewing machine corner"!!
That's all folks!!!:):):)
Meanwhile the Sony hifi and cabinet.....
The cabinet is really good quality, weirdly on castors that actually work.
The cassette players don't work, only to be expected, the radio seems to want to work but no sound coming out yet, I think it is an aerial problem or else its connection to the amp, but TBH we don't care, we don't listen to the radio much and when we do we have DAB all over the place. But the CD player, turntable and the fancy graphic equalizer etc all work brilliantly. The sound coming from the speakers is amazing. So it is deffo going to France. Even the remote works!
All that for £25........Mad!!
Just 2 more auctions to go then Wifey will have had her fix for the year. (I haven't even looked at the jewellery she bought.:rolleyes:. At least she put a load back in for next time.;))
Gone dark,:eek:
Better get on and help her wiv dins!
Have a lovely evening folks!!!:):):)

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