First piccy of me garage roof job. Managed to get two of the old roof sheets off today, pig of a job as they are fixed down with 4 inch long twist nails. And hard to get at as I can't clamber around on the roof as its too brittle. Target for tomorrow is to get the first few of the new joists in and temporarily fix a sheet of ply to give me a launch pad to get at the rest of the old sheets.
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Glad to see you making progress. i hope you weren't on that ladder at that angle.:eek::eek::eek:
Been doing fings that have been waiting a while today. Put me burd feeder up. Sortid me garage doors. One leaning over because its hinge screw heads have bent and its wheel is oft the ground. Eye has put some wood under it assa temp fix. Plained to 4mm. Sossoj casserole as bin eatid anorl.
If your rain water go's into soak a ways on your land you can get a reduction
First piccy of me garage roof job. Managed to get two of the old roof sheets off today, pig of a job as they are fixed down with 4 inch long twist nails. And hard to get at as I can't clamber around on the roof as its too brittle. Target for tomorrow is to get the first few of the new joists in and temporarily fix a sheet of ply to give me a launch pad to get at the rest of the old sheets.
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Hope that's not asbestos costs a lot to get shot of it
Put me towels in the washer tother day. When it were time to spin oot the water they only gorrup to 2 or 3 revs. It kept stopping and trying again. Then gave up. Towels sopping wet and no error message. On the furd time of asking it to rinse and spin, it did. Eye wonder iffit measures the balance ov the load and wont spin fast iffit considers it to be oot of balance?

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