Went choppin. It wur cr*p. Only had two roses and both looked like they int bin watered ferra month. Looked at hyasinff's. The small one can go oot side but the big one is fer indoors. Yer would fink plants be water proof and can go oot side. They have started to hide fings again. Found em in the wrong place. Travellers turned up. Walking round picking fings up and eating them. Security told em to leave. They never paid.
I got to play in some lanes today :D:D
Then had a visitor..
Mornin all.
So yesdi, the new temp dint turn up, neever did the existing temp as he got himself a job but dint bother to say anyfink. And two oft wif the covid. That's 2/3 down. Production are three weeks behind an they're pulling office staff downstairs to cover. So the office is short..
Have a nice day :)
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