I was just doing a silly crossword and the clue and answer got me stumped.
The clue was "Half Seas Over" (5).
Now that is not an expression I have ever come across in my 67 years so it was a bit of a surprise to find that the answer is "Drunk".
How can I never have heard of this expression until today?
Chilly here but sun just appeared.
Nayboors cat in the garden and at our patio door. Let it run a bit then let a dog out.;)
Blokey round fixing the gutterin where it leaks a bit, actooly it is the bit of the flat roof has a crack as well. He'll fix it he's a good bloke.;):)
Then off to get my steel and start on the trailer.
Dottir has agreed to let us park the other trailer on their land for a bit if nec.:):):)
Hope all are havin a good day!:):):)
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I was just doing a silly crossword and the clue and answer got me stumped.
The clue was "Half Seas Over" (5).
Now that is not an expression I have ever come across in my 67 years so it was a bit of a surprise to find that the answer is "Drunk".
How can I never have heard of this expression until today?
Yet another seafaring expression that means the same thing "Three sheets (in) to the wind" for example is another one. http://blog.sailtrilogy.com/blog/sa...eets to the wind,t have control of themselves.
(Knew it maybe it's because so many of my family earned their living at sea.)
Have to say I never look, and wouldn't even know how to compare!
I've never been popular in my life and Wifey agrees!
Fink it must be down to me being so busy on ere and posting all over the place.
Will have to try and be more objectionable!;)
There's a page that lists posting details. Options at the top to see different fings.

Afternoon folks:).

Little bit more clearing done today but to windy to light a bonfire (in the barrel). Maybe tomorrow as supposed to be drizzly.

Me head is better, but if I push it I can get an "ouch" out so may continue the medicine :D.

Didnt get the 90 in the garage over the weekend, but did get the chance to check the control box and it has a big amp solenoid in it:), So looking at maybe putting the box out of the elements (and prying eyes). Ether way have a list of cable needed.

Apart from that. The birds seem to be twittering more and the Jays are making a bunch of noise, the cherry tree has buds showing. Might have to start working back outside before it gets too hot:).

Afternoon folks:).

Little bit more clearing done today but to windy to light a bonfire (in the barrel). Maybe tomorrow as supposed to be drizzly.

Me head is better, but if I push it I can get an "ouch" out so may continue the medicine :D.

Didnt get the 90 in the garage over the weekend, but did get the chance to check the control box and it has a big amp solenoid in it:), So looking at maybe putting the box out of the elements (and prying eyes). Ether way have a list of cable needed.

Apart from that. The birds seem to be twittering more and the Jays are making a bunch of noise, the cherry tree has buds showing. Might have to start working back outside before it gets too hot:).

Any sign of Putin's tanks yet though? Apparently they are on a Spring migration. ;)

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