A few more welcome Spring delights -

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Another Camellia which was a cutting from the other one about 5 yrs ago.

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Living in harmony are the Cowslips and the Primroses

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And some Pulmonaria.

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The Lenten Helleborus are enjoying the shelter of the 'Hedgehog' Holly bush.

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This is a delightful winter-flowering Heather which tumbles down the edge from the upper to the lower level of the garden.

The whole garden is very much planted with Evergreens so that it does not look 'dead' during the winter when the Oak trees have shed their leaves

@derwendolly , your garden is looking great...Springtime is always a wonderful time of year when the garden goes starts to bloom, lovely.
Yes, they are in a consortium and selling Small Modular reactors as a concept.
When you think that a tiny reactor like on a Yank carrier has enough juice to power a small city then smaller distributed reactors all over the UK isn't a bad concept.
Lose 1 at a time for regular maintenance is a lot less of an impact than taking out one of the GigaWatt Nuclear reactor sites.
I hope they are a lot more efficient than the post-war generation of nooclear power stations. My first job on leaving skool was working on a nuke power station construction (including a year on the reactors). They were not built to generate leccy as their prime function, but only used the waste heat for that purpose. And it is the most expensive leccy ever produced due to the poor efficiency and early onset of corrosion. Their prime function was to turn uranium into weapons grade plutonium.
@derwendolly , your garden is looking great...Springtime is always a wonderful time of year when the garden goes starts to bloom, lovely.
That's kind of you but it is not my work, it was my husband's pleasure - he spent many hours weeding and planting. I was just given a list of what he wanted and was then expected to produce the items in record time. :rolleyes::)
Re' gardens, any of you use your own "natural..." urea on the compost? Have been reading up on this, understanding the waste nutrients we pee out first thing in the morning. It's good to keep the compost moist and the worms love the nutrients and natural sugars.

Thinking I might start a shock viewing for the neighbours and have a ceremonial morning pee at the bottom of the garden...:)
Re' gardens, any of you use your own "natural..." urea on the compost? Have been reading up on this, understanding the waste nutrients we pee out first thing in the morning. It's good to keep the compost moist and the worms love the nutrients and natural sugars.

Thinking I might start a shock viewing for the neighbours and have a ceremonial morning pee at the bottom of the garden...:)

Yep, if I gets caught short while tinkering inna garage I has a jug for that very purpose.
I shuts all the doors first.. Course :D
Yep, if I gets caught short while tinkering inna garage I has a jug for that very purpose.
I shuts all the doors first.. Course :D

Brilliant, glad I'm not the only one who takes a tinkle whilst tinkering. I keep a spare large Douwe Egbert's coffee jar for such emergencies but with the mugs of tea one jar can be filled very quickly. Having to stop mid-flow [bursting point] is not good for the garage floor o_O
G'day all.
Up early this morn as herself had an appt.
Got further into the trailer.
Eventually got the rear section of floor up.
The rear cross member is a bit weird, strong, thick gauge, galvanised L section with rusty box section sitting inside it. Couldn't tell all this till I got the floor up.:rolleyes:
The strength of it doesn't seem to be compromised by the rusty or missing box section!
So cleaned it up a bit and put it all back together again.:rolleyes:
Still needs a good jetwash or summat:rolleyes:.
That'll be tomorrow then.
Will stick in on Gumtree tonight as want it gone soon.
Pics to follow, for them.
Busy busy busy!:):):)
Got one tickle on my trailer.
Bloke wants to talk and pics sent to him on Whatsapp.
You can feck orf mate.
Me? Use an App? I should cocoa!!
I told him to wait until I had cleaned it and put the pics up on the ad as I SAID I would do all this in the ad!
Hopefully he is really keen.;)
Got one tickle on my trailer.
Bloke wants to talk and pics sent to him on Whatsapp.
You can feck orf mate.
Me? Use an App? I should cocoa!!
I told him to wait until I had cleaned it and put the pics up on the ad as I SAID I would do all this in the ad!
Hopefully he is really keen.;)

Advertise it on ere:)

Trailers sell well,quick and good money. Yours is quite a big box if I remember pics.:).

Re' gardens, any of you use your own "natural..." urea on the compost? Have been reading up on this, understanding the waste nutrients we pee out first thing in the morning. It's good to keep the compost moist and the worms love the nutrients and natural sugars.

Thinking I might start a shock viewing for the neighbours and have a ceremonial morning pee at the bottom of the garden...:)
Good for keeping the foxes away too …
Advertise it on ere:)

Trailers sell well,quick and good money. Yours is quite a big box if I remember pics.:).

I looked at closed ads or whatever it is called on eBay to see what they actually go for and was a bit disappointed, but I've put it on at £1590 and two peeps are dead keen to see it tomoz, one a 3 hour driver away.
Surpised TBH!
In a nice way!
It's 12' x 6' x 6.5' so yep it's huge although it don't take a huge payload. Designed more for bulky items than heavy ones.
(Fink we must have exceeded the weight limit a few times!;) a 8 metre kitchen and utility room stuff weighs a lot, for example!)
It's in a sh!t state aesthetically and i was going to jet wash it tomoz and maybe even clean the rust off the wheels and givreem a coat of Hammerite but blokey from Lunnen says he don't give a poop about what it looks like just wants to check it mechanically!
Anyway, if this all goes well I could be looking at getting all the money, which would be nice.
(We paid £1400 for it back in 2008)

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