Here comes a rant!!
B & feckin Q!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
did click and collect, hacked all the way over to Poole, far side of, went to collect, was presented with a tube 20 x 20 mm.
I'd paid for 25 x 25mm.:rolleyes:
There were 3 in stock, pooter sez.
Burd goes off to get one.
Nope. None there.:mad:
I went with her to see if they'd ended up in the wrong slot.
"Can you get one and deliver it to me?"
Not soon.:mad:
So she rings Castlepoint in Bournemuff, where it shows 1 in stock. Was it REELY in stock, "yep" apparently.:(
"Could you put it aside for the gentleman?" (apparently they don't normally do this, idiots!!)
"Yes, in this case".:)
Can't refund the money on the spot.:(
So hack all the way over there, yep they had it!! (dancing for joy emoji!!!:):):)
Set off back home, just as I am turning off the dool cabbageway to go to Hurn, hear on radio, "problem at Parley Cross, delay 15 minutes!:(:(:(
So drive up the other side of the airport and home that way.
What should have taken1 hour took over 2, easily! (More like 3.:mad:)
At least I got some fool, Tesco's £1.73 a litre. Cheaper than some. So not complaining.;)
Cup of coffee and a Hot X bun then off we go again. :rolleyes:
Here comes a rant!!
B & feckin Q!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
did click and collect, hacked all the way over to Poole, far side of, went to collect, was presented with a tube 20 x 20 mm.
I'd paid for 25 x 25mm.:rolleyes:
There were 3 in stock, pooter sez.
Burd goes off to get one.
Nope. None there.:mad:
I went with her to see if they'd ended up in the wrong slot.
"Can you get one and deliver it to me?"
Not soon.:mad:
So she rings Castlepoint in Bournemuff, where it shows 1 in stock. Was it REELY in stock, "yep" apparently.:(
"Could you put it aside for the gentleman?" (apparently they don't normally do this, idiots!!)
"Yes, in this case".:)
Can't refund the money on the spot.:(
So hack all the way over there, yep they had it!! (dancing for joy emoji!!!:):):)
Set off back home, just as I am turning off the dool cabbageway to go to Hurn, hear on radio, "problem at Parley Cross, delay 15 minutes!:(:(:(
So drive up the other side of the airport and home that way.
What should have taken1 hour took over 2, easily! (More like 3.:mad:)
At least I got some fool, Tesco's £1.73 a litre. Cheaper than some. So not complaining.;)
Cup of coffee and a Hot X bun then off we go again. :rolleyes:
‘What grinds your gears’ just saying
Afternoon folks:).

Little bit more clearing done today but to windy to light a bonfire (in the barrel). Maybe tomorrow as supposed to be drizzly.

Me head is better, but if I push it I can get an "ouch" out so may continue the medicine :D.

Didnt get the 90 in the garage over the weekend, but did get the chance to check the control box and it has a big amp solenoid in it:), So looking at maybe putting the box out of the elements (and prying eyes). Ether way have a list of cable needed.

Apart from that. The birds seem to be twittering more and the Jays are making a bunch of noise, the cherry tree has buds showing. Might have to start working back outside before it gets too hot:).

Can you fix the box to the inner arch in engine bay?
Struggled the big rear seat back into the Disco. Tis always a heavy and okkard fecker. Got the technique now.:rolleyes:;)
Don't help that the drilled feet are sprung.:rolleyes:
Started getting gear shifted either further into the trailer or out of it.
Got the screws out of the rea section of floor, plus two big pop rivets.
But when I went to lift it up it turns out the side bits wot you attach stuff to are holding it in.
So I'll have to take at least one of them out. Couldn't be fecked to shift stuff around in it yet again, light was stopping play as well.
So lugged the stuff taken out back in again and came in myself.
I only rarely get more done than I think I'm going to, but often get less done. This was one of the latter!
Hope the weather holds!!;)
Have a nice evening folks.:):):)
That is an option, as is in the cab, because it has an on/off switch on it to. Although that could easily be run to a remote switch on dash:)
Need to stretch out the plug-in pendant to see how long it is, although it does have remotes.

But we all know about remotes and batteries;).

Thought you might get some carling switches for the winch to put on the dash or go wireless(helps when your stuck alone:oops:)
Does it have cup holders though;) Thats the true level of luxury in the P38, apparently:rolleyes:.

BTW if it does dont use them they are useless when driving IMO:D.

It certainly does, they flip up from the centre console!!

Sounds like you are enjoying it then :D
They are quite refined compared to the classic and the defenders. :)

Oh yes, I can even hear the radio :D

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