Just noticed blossum appearing on me bush. Bud finks appearing onner nuvva one. Spring is ere. Bobbins churpin. Will try to feed im later. Got ignored by im yesdi.

My Camellia is looking good although the frost has got to some of the flowers. It is a real promise of Spring. :)
A few more welcome Spring delights -

Another Camellia which was a cutting from the other one about 5 yrs ago.


Living in harmony are the Cowslips and the Primroses

And some Pulmonaria.


The Lenten Helleborus are enjoying the shelter of the 'Hedgehog' Holly bush.

This is a delightful winter-flowering Heather which tumbles down the edge from the upper to the lower level of the garden.

The whole garden is very much planted with Evergreens so that it does not look 'dead' during the winter when the Oak trees have shed their leaves
A few more welcome Spring delights -

View attachment 261572
Another Camellia which was a cutting from the other one about 5 yrs ago.

View attachment 261573

Living in harmony are the Cowslips and the Primroses

View attachment 261574
And some Pulmonaria.

View attachment 261570

The Lenten Helleborus are enjoying the shelter of the 'Hedgehog' Holly bush.

View attachment 261571
This is a delightful winter-flowering Heather which tumbles down the edge from the upper to the lower level of the garden.

The whole garden is very much planted with Evergreens so that it does not look 'dead' during the winter when the Oak trees have shed their leaves
Lovely indeed. There seems to be a shaggy carpet walking into some of the shots. ;)
Lovely indeed. There seems to be a shaggy carpet walking into some of the shots. ;)
Sitting there is more accurate! Wherever I am - he is. :rolleyes: You might see that much of the planted areas are covered in plant shreddings/mulch to try to keep the wet soil from sticking to him and then being transfered inside the bungalow. The other one is not far away but then he is always outside, with or without me.
Good to see the papers reporting that the UK will seek to get 25% of electricity from new Nuclear power stations and that this will be a mix of both large and small installations.
If recent events have brought the energy self-sufficiency and security question into focus that's a good thing. Successive government have been kicking this issue into the long grass for too long.
A flagrant dereliction of duty in my opinion.
Good to see the papers reporting that the UK will seek to get 25% of electricity from new Nuclear power stations and that this will be a mix of both large and small installations.
If recent events have brought the energy self-sufficiency and security question into focus that's a good thing. Successive government have been kicking this issue into the long grass for too long.
A flagrant dereliction of duty in my opinion.

I saw somewhere that Rolls Royce were looking at "pocket nuke stations"?
I saw somewhere that Rolls Royce were looking at "pocket nuke stations"?
Yes, they are in a consortium and selling Small Modular reactors as a concept.
When you think that a tiny reactor like on a Yank carrier has enough juice to power a small city then smaller distributed reactors all over the UK isn't a bad concept.
Lose 1 at a time for regular maintenance is a lot less of an impact than taking out one of the GigaWatt Nuclear reactor sites.

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