Evening all. In a Kyriad in Chateauroux. Took ages to get the WiFi working.
Very hot on the drive.
Had one worrying moment. In single lane on Autoroute due to roadworks, suddenly going slowly as 2 lanes were merging into one and with no hard shoulder the ACE light came on.
Usually it goes to amber and is to be ignored as the Foxwell says "relay", (it goes off on restart and hasn't come back for ages,) but this time it was full flashing red dinging and stayed like that.
No way I could stop.
Eventually an emergency lay by appeared so pulled in. I had said to W that I'd turn the engine off and back on again but first I checked ACE fluid was there and circulating, which it was.
Belt was running smoothly, no weird noises no leaking fluid underneath I think.
So, stopped and restarted engine, all back to normal!!!
Big phew!!!
Flipping thing!
Dogs were hot despite running with A/C, have drunk quite a bit but only one has eaten her dins. ☹️ They are asleep now.
No kettle and coffee making stuff.,
☹️☹️☹️. Unexpectedly, maybe it's only in Campanile that you get this now.
Still, restaurant opposite opens in half an hour.

Enjoy your evening folks!
Safe journey feel for you 😐😐
Owing to mild winds cartoon drawing will resume once the pencil sharpener is emptied out.



The criticism box is now open. Please order your comments in the usual janitor cupboard next to the bleach bottle.
Bit blowy overnight but nothing adverse to report. Hopes all are ok.
A lot blowy overnight 'ere! My little man was terrified that the noise of the gusts was thunder and he is frightened of that. He clings to me for security so that meant a very disturbed night for me too. All calmed down around 4am and now it is calm and bright, even the sun is trying to break through.
It's a good job I'm on holiday 'cos I think a mid- day kiplet will be on the cards. :)
Well, we had an interesting day yesterday.
We knew we had loads of time to get to Cherbourg for the overnight sailing so we left lateish, although still only around 9 a.m. doodled along. No more flipping red warning lights, thanl the Lord. Got to Cherbourg massively early thinking we'd just park up before they opened the gates walk the dogs, eat our meal what we had bortid and chill.
Got there to find a whole other lot of cars and them being processed. This was at about 5 p.m. for a 2130 crossing. :stars: :stars: :stars:.
Spoke to the wimmins as she was processing us, the three dogs and taking into account where we had to be parked on the car deck so W's wheelchair would have access. I said to her , "You seem to be loading people really, really early, she made some remark, casual like, as if to say, "It's normal". So just went with the flow. When W looked at the cabin ticket it said "Sailing at 1815". So we thought we had accidentally just caught an earlier sailing.
What? Never knew they had a sailing that time. From Cherbourg you are lucky to get one or two a day in the off season.
We'd been watching W's phone cos that is where they warned us last time the crossing was cancelled. We'd also made plans to stay with our mates if nec. But there had been nothing for two days.
So, onto the boat, up to the bar, chatting to peeps from round our neck of the woods. (I managed to spill most of a pint of Murphys over W's jeans leg. Big OOOPs! she was not amused). Sea was calm as a millpond, no storm, no wind, nuffin.
Arrived home last night at about 2230 instead of this a.m. 0700.
Did the usual sort of stuff, (flipping boiler won't light, grr!:mad::mad:).
Eventually got the lappy out, only to find an email from Britney Ferries saying "Unfortunately we have had to bring your crossing forward, blah di blah di blah. " Sent the day we left but after we left. Idiots!
So, extremely lucky to have caught it!!!
Modern communication, and how not to use it!!!
So W off to get her flu jab or Covid vac or summat, she will also be going elswewhere so I can have a cheekey coffee and chat to you lot.

The skip is gone, thanks very much, shame you didn't pull up a few mare's tails while you were here.
The Somalis jibbed at my request that they make rent payment in kind by doing some gardening, accusing me of racial bias and trying to be a "new world slave master" so left in a huff. They did at least clear up the camel droppings, they said they needed them to make fires with.
Weather quite warm, and sticky. Got sweaty unloading the wine and stuff, still got a bit to do. (Customs was a wimmins sat in a box that she never left. Maybe that was her working to rool!) We didn't have any dutyable stuff anyway.
It is spitting rain just a tiny we bit. No sign of any stormy stuff here at all so what all the Britney ferries stuff was all about I have no idea.

Have a lovely day folks!
Just fixed the boiler! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Twas the thermocouple as usual, nuts needed tightening.;)
Plus the lead to the ignitor was shorting against various metal bits as I had had to replace a bit of it recently. Need the proper stuff really. :rolleyes: but who needs an ignitor when you have a screwdriver to take all the covers off and a match?!
So W very happy, well happier, now!
Enjoy the rest of the arvo folks!!
Well looks like our benevolent leader, The Chief Moderator (peace be upon him) has responded to the survey for a customer care handler.

Like many here, we welcome and happy to help when or if needed Brian Damage and his unique skills.
I for one knew Brian or should said 'Boss' in HMP Landyzone like many fellow ex lag's on renown G BLK.
Edit re Britney ferries and their comms.
They HAD sent me a text. Why my phone didn't point it out to me when I switched it on to chat with you all the night of the 26th I have no idea.
I checked after they emailed me after my negative comment on Trustpilot and sho nuff, there was a text, but it took its sweet time coming through. I did check the time they sent it and they did send it the morning of the 26th, same time as the email.
So I deleted my negative comment.

Humble pie portion will now be consumed, though I will give my mobile a severe telling off. :( :( :( :(

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