Edit re Britney ferries and their comms.
They HAD sent me a text. Why my phone didn't point it out to me when I switched it on to chat with you all the night of the 26th I have no idea.
I checked after they emailed me after my negative comment on Trustpilot and sho nuff, there was a text, but it took its sweet time coming through. I did check the time they sent it and they did send it the morning of the 26th, same time as the email.
So I deleted my negative comment.

Humble pie portion will now be consumed, though I will give my mobile a severe telling off. :( :( :( :(
After your going away party no one wrote anything on your tiles and there is some wine left 😂
Weirdly, as in Frogland we live out in the country, last night was eerily quiet.
In Frogland there is always the sound of farm equipment during the day and wild animals at night, mixed in with large groups of dogs barking, mostly hunting dogs.
But here it is sooo quiet.
Maybe it's cos we had all the windows shut as well.!
Weirdly, as in Frogland we live out in the country, last night was eerily quiet.
In Frogland there is always the sound of farm equipment during the day and wild animals at night, mixed in with large groups of dogs barking, mostly hunting dogs.
But here it is sooo quiet.
Maybe it's cos we had all the windows shut as well.!

Its very quiet here well apart from me make the most racket 🤣 🤣
I start my car up & the neebs windows shake 🤣

I can imagine!


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