... that I have seen the Osteopath again today. :D
We seem to be finding a goodly number of "knots" in the muscles and she is unpicking them so the neck is slowly loosening up. :)
The dead-hands at night is diminishing in severity and frequency too, so double bonus. :)
Feeling quite a bit better now.

Thats superb hope she can untie this............. 🤣
Whenever high winds are forecast I have the urge to hire a Luton van and go for a long drive over the most exposed parts of the UK's road network. I'll cross the Pennines on the M62 and the turn right northwards onto the M6 so as to go over Shap and then on to the M74 towards Glasgow where the conditions can be particularly bracing. They always look so much fun skittering about across the lanes; much more sprightly than a heavier HGV.

Frairton bridge was always exiting in high winds asis the Erskine bridge :oops: 🤣

A bridge too far lol

Glad to hear. Its so calm here atm im wondering if you know what.......
I am now very close to the coast is Pembrokeshire and it is this area that always suffers from the worst of the Ireland weather. At this moment the rain has eased a bit and the winds do seem to be getting less violent - I think this is the tale end of the swirling mass as it moves off north.

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