Mornin all.
W had her Covid booster yessdi and is now ill wiv it. :(
Heating went off last evening and wouldn't restart, so that needs fixing again. Made by FIAT I think!
Today is the day I go to show my "lesion" to the cancer dermatology peeps.
If they can even find it.
Dry and sunny here.:)
Have a good one peeps!:):):)
Went to Dermot Ologyst.
He said "It's gone!" (Great.) "And it prolly won't come back." (Greater still!).
Discussion as to which of two types of lesion it could have been one of which is benign anyway and that is what on the balance of probabilites he thought it had been.
Gave me leaflitz to read. The one for what he said it was, Krakatoanoma or summat, said "could be caused by trauma" i.e. my banging my head on a tree branch maybe, like we thought, and "it can itch and be painful" which mine did.
Twasn't the first time he had seen peeps with this sort of thing and by the time they got around to operating on them they had gone.
So all well and good.
W having trouble with her practice as the lovely, 2-man-band one she was with has now been taken over by a bigger one. :mad:. Ordered a prescription on Monday. Just. Chemist hasn't seen hair nor hide of it.:rolleyes:
Mini ecu saga continues wft :mad: had to send back the 2nd ecu ive bought...returned through ebay & royal mail
I cable tied the keys & ecu body control unit together, wrapped it up in the box it came in then wrapped the box in gaffer
tape so it couldnt be damaged. Seller got the box & guess what the keys & the body control unit are missing out
the box :rolleyes: Seams like theres a bit of a claim going on here im due a couple of hundred quid back & he doesnt
want to refund me as there are missing parts ive got the receipt & it was weighed when I handed it over.
Now what happens. ?? :mad:

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