Indeed, but we have animals to care for and she has a far simpler (possibly a poor choice of word) life in the UK

In my opinion, the men out here suffer from an inferiority complex and see other males (especially unaccompanied males) as a threat. Which, I believe is why married women must wear the Niqāb when in public or amongst unrelated men.
But that’s just my personal opinion as an outsider looking in.
I concur, it infers a proprietor / predator factor in relationships that is becoming more prevalent I fear. I read somewhere that if were men led around blindfold by their children..
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No but it managed an intercept which is still impressive. Its a shame it went out of service before I was born. I'm still salty the Vulcan is grounded.

Check your maffs 🤣🤣
Sadly the Vulcan is grounded because the only guys who could deal with its old school electronix/ compooters have gone into retirement. And no one else can maintain them. Otherwise they would still be flying.

As an air cadet I was lucky enough to go to Filton when the first two prototype Concordes were there. We were allowed to just step inside the door of the hangar and look at them. They had paint on but no numbers, insignia, nothing. that was sometime before 1972.
Sadly the Vulcan is grounded because the only guys who could deal with its old school electronix/ compooters have gone into retirement. And no one else can maintain them. Otherwise they would still be flying.

As an air cadet I was lucky enough to go to Filton when the first two prototype Concordes were there. We were allowed to just step inside the door of the hangar and look at them. They had paint on but no numbers, insignia, nothing. that was sometime before 1972.
It's a massive shame. There was another reason too but I can't remember.
@Propman .
Wow indeed, I'm no puritan but my daughter would never have left the house dressed the way they do now. The young men i encounter are mostly feckless entitled idiots with some uber masculine thing going on (so long as their mates are around). Am i that old already..?

My daughter never would have either.
She and her brother have been instilled with a fair amount of self respect, by her mother and I.

As my earlier remark perhaps pays her a disservice, I should also add she is 32 and has been with her husband since they first met at Uni.

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