Get this.
So not like Sunday for a lot of the west, or the Sabbath for those of the Jewish persuasion?

I guess if you are supposed to pray what is it 4 times a day? That you don't need a special day for yet more knee drill!

You are correct, most pray 5 times per day, but some choose only 3.
There are mixed emotion regarding following a Sat-Sun weekend, with much of the argument stemming from the Jewish/Christian faith element.
You are correct, most pray 5 times per day, but some choose only 3.
There are mixed emotion regarding following a Sat-Sun weekend, with much of the argument stemming from the Jewish/Christian faith element.
I'm surprised the Saudis listen to them!

Back in the early 70s I shared a house that belonged to a family most of whom lived in Saudi. The restrictions were horrendous, and I don't know if they have improved. The wife and daughter weren't allowed to drive, obviously, and if they were on the streets when the time for prayers was called they were quickly ushered into a shop. They lived I think, in a sort of gated westerners encampment/estate thing where they brewed their own booze with heavy penalties if they got caught.

I was in the house once when they came back for a holiday, they were drunk the whole time. The dad was an ex RAF Air Commodore who knew everything there was to know about the Lightning aircraft that the Saudis were equipped with, so that was his job out there, overseeing the mechs on them. The daughter was a nurse, can't remember what the son did. You'll tell us if things have eased at all!
I'm surprised the Saudis listen to them!

Back in the early 70s I shared a house that belonged to a family most of whom lived in Saudi. The restrictions were horrendous, and I don't know if they have improved. The wife and daughter weren't allowed to drive, obviously, and if they were on the streets when the time for prayers was called they were quickly ushered into a shop. They lived I think, in a sort of gated westerners encampment/estate thing where they brewed their own booze with heavy penalties if they got caught.

I was in the house once when they came back for a holiday, they were drunk the whole time. The dad was an ex RAF Air Commodore who knew everything there was to know about the Lightning aircraft that the Saudis were equipped with, so that was his job out there, overseeing the mechs on them. The daughter was a nurse, can't remember what the son did. You'll tell us if things have eased at all!

There is still an element of what the family described visible in daily life.
Although, with the younger Saudi generation mirroring our own. They have become far more travelled and tend to embrace other cultures, more so than their elders had previously.

Women have been driving since mid 2018 and you no longer see the religious police ushering people off the streets or chastising them for their choice of attire.
However, women are still advised to be respectful with their choices. And many either cover up, or wear an abaya when in public.

I live in a 17 villa, compound. I’m the only European and I’m an unaccompanied male until my wife joins me 3 times a year for a vacation. Hence, I’m treated like a pariah when she’s not present.

Brewing does still happen, but I’ve been tee-total for many years, so have no idea how successful they are. I have heard of people drinking some strange concoctions due to their supposed alcohol content.
With computer cleaning fluid apparently being a regular ingredient to brewed spirits.
There is still an element of what the family described visible in daily life.
Although, with the younger Saudi generation mirroring our own. They have become far more travelled and tend to embrace other cultures, more so than their elders had previously.

Women have been driving since mid 2018 and you no longer see the religious police ushering people off the streets or chastising them for their choice of attire.
However, women are still advised to be respectful with their choices. And many either cover up, or wear an abaya when in public.

I live in a 17 villa, compound. I’m the only European and I’m an unaccompanied male until my wife joins me 3 times a year for a vacation. Hence, I’m treated like a pariah when she’s not present.

Brewing does still happen, but I’ve been tee-total for many years, so have no idea how successful they are. I have heard of people drinking some strange concoctions due to their supposed alcohol content.
With computer cleaning fluid apparently being a Regular ingredient to brewed spirits.
With you being treated like a pariah most of the time I hope they are paying you a shed load of money!!

Without wishing to be nosey, wouldn't life be easier for you if your wife lived out there with you?

I am sure you have got very good reasons for why she doesn't.;)
Hola to all my amigos on 'ere. I has been at Castille Wimblowdriver for a few days and having serious aggro with tinterweb n mobile dog n bone so no input to the forum. And not got a 9 year old sprog to sort it out. Posted this via 'er indoors iPad thing. Back in a couple of weeks --------
With you being treated like a pariah most of the time I hope they are paying you a shed load of money!!

Without wishing to be nosey, wouldn't life be easier for you if your wife lived out there with you?

I am sure you have got very good reasons for why she doesn't.:eek:

Indeed, but we have animals to care for and she has a far simpler (possibly a poor choice of word) life in the UK

In my opinion, the men out here suffer from an inferiority complex and see other males (especially unaccompanied males) as a threat. Which, I believe is why married women must wear the Niqāb when in public or amongst unrelated men.
But that’s just my personal opinion as an outsider looking in.
Indeed, but we have animals to care for and she has a far simpler (possibly a poor choice of word) life in the UK
In my opinion, the men out here suffer from an inferiority complex and see other males (especially unaccompanied males) as a threat. Which, I believe is why married women must wear the Niqāb when in public or amongst unrelated men.
But that’s just my personal opinion as an outsider looking in.
Getchew the labrat!
Are you swopping your mech's overhauls for a white coat??
I get Kurt and Broke cos they is, TMK, the same gender.
Funny how some hybrids are infertile and some aren't.
Homo Sapiens managed to mate with Homo Erectus as far as I know. Or rather Femina Erecta or Sapienne!!!

So I dug and found this fascinating article.

Its a question of having an odd number of chromes 'pparently.


(PM me if you want to know a secret about him and me!!;))

Had to laugh at zebroid lol Is he your daddykins.......
Indeed, but we have animals to care for and she has a far simpler (possibly a poor choice of word) life in the UK

In my opinion, the men out here suffer from an inferiority complex and see other males (especially unaccompanied males) as a threat. Which, I believe is why married women must wear the Niqāb when in public or amongst unrelated men.
But that’s just my personal opinion as an outsider looking in.
My understanding is that in the Muslim faith, women are often seen, wrongly, as chatels and the property of whichever man takes priority, first the father, then the husband or the brother when the father dies or the uncle or the cousin or whatever.
The men regard a single male as predatory on their "property" which is why they make them dress them so that their atractiveness is hidden or at least subdued. Hence the famous "honour killings" that sadly happen.
Whether that can be seen as an inferiority complex or not, I don't know.

This isn't strictly true, see this.

But a lot of Islamic men do seem to mis-interpret their view of Sharia law

As for what they must wear.

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formally requires Muslim women to cover their hair and all women to wear a full-body garment, but it has not been strictly enforced.[135][136][137] Saudi women commonly wear the traditional abaya robe, while foreigners sometimes opt for a long coat.[138] These regulations are enforced by the religious police and vigilantes.[138] In 2002, the Saudi religious police were accused by Saudi and international press of hindering the rescue of schoolgirls from a fire because they were not wearing hijabs, which resulted in 15 deaths.[139] In 2018, the Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman told CBS News that Saudi law requires women to wear "decent, respectful clothing", and that women are free to decide what form it should take.[137]"

From Islam identified with the,ideals regarding modesty and piety.

All very interesting. Not surprised your wife doesn't want to get involved.
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My understanding is that in the Muslim faith, women are often seen, wrongly, as chatels and the property of whichever man takes priority, first the father, then the husband or the brother when the father dies or the uncle or the cousin or whatever.
The men regard a single male as predatory on their "property" which is why they make them dress them so that their atractiveness is hidden or at least subdued. Hence the famous "honour killings" that sadly happen.
Whether that can be seen as an inferiority complex or not, I don't know.

This isn't strictly true, see this.

But a lot of Islamic men do seem to mis-interpret their view of Shaira law

As for what they must wear.

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formally requires Muslim women to cover their hair and all women to wear a full-body garment, but it has not been strictly enforced.[135][136][137] Saudi women commonly wear the traditional abaya robe, while foreigners sometimes opt for a long coat.[138] These regulations are enforced by the religious police and vigilantes.[138] In 2002, the Saudi religious police were accused by Saudi and international press of hindering the rescue of schoolgirls from a fire because they were not wearing hijabs, which resulted in 15 deaths.[139] In 2018, the Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman told CBS News that Saudi law requires women to wear "decent, respectful clothing", and that women are free to decide what form it should take.[137]"

From Islam identified with the,ideals regarding modesty and piety.

All very interesting. Not surprised your wife doesn't want to get involved.

Indeed, that is correct.

My Saudi workforce are as intrigued by our culture as I am theirs, so for the last 3 years i have a quid pro quo with them on Thursday, prior to leaving the office.
I am obviously respectful of their religious beliefs, but they will happily explain in great depth to assist with my understanding of their culture.
Likewise, they will question mine. With my daughter’s marriage last month and her living arrangements pre marriage, being a major source of intrigue.
Anyway, from our discussions, the elders see marriage as more of a business arrangement. Where either party has to agree to provide an agreed number of heirs or a standard of living that both parties agree on.
There is an element of attraction between parties now, but the old ways still exist. With the man able to take on another wife, should he believe his needs are not being met.

Why any man of sound body and mind would wish to do this, is beyond me though. 🤪
Indeed, that is correct.

My Saudi workforce are as intrigued by our culture as I am theirs, so for the last 3 years i have a quid pro quo with them on Thursday, prior to leaving the office.
I am obviously respectful of their religious beliefs, but they will happily explain in great depth to assist with my understanding of their culture.
Likewise, they will question mine. With my daughter’s marriage last month and her living arrangements pre marriage, being a major source of intrigue.
Anyway, from our discussions, the elders see marriage as more of a business arrangement. Where either party has to agree to provide an agreed number of heirs or a standard of living that both parties agree on.
There is an element of attraction between parties now, but the old ways still exist. With the man able to take on another wife, should he believe his needs are not being met.

Why any man of sound body and mind would wish to do this, is beyond me though. 🤪
I think there is good and bad in both systems.
My ex's mother told her, before we married, two things, 1/ "A man has his needs", said fiancée said "I know" but she flipping never did!
2/ "This marriage will only last 2 years". In point of fact it was more or less over in about 6 months but us both being stubborn we stuck it out for 7 years.

Conclusions? If we had been able to live together, we'd never have got married. (she was French and had to finish her education as did I.) so your daughter, as with William and Kate, did the right thing!

Secondly if we had been Muslim and her mother had had a say in the arrangement of her marriage, I would not have been a good candidate, which would have been a very good thing!! ;););)
I think there is good and bad in both systems.
My ex's mother told her, before we married, two things, 1/ "A man has his needs", said fiancée said "I know" but she flipping never did!
2/ "This marriage will only last 2 years". In point of fact it was more or less over in about 6 months but us both being stubborn we stuck it out for 7 years.

Conclusions? If we had been able to live together, we'd never have got married. (she was French and had to finish her education as did I.) so your daughter, as with William and Kate, did the right thing!

Secondly if we had been Muslim and her mother had had a say in the arrangement of her marriage, I would not have been a good candidate, which would have been a very good thing!! ;););)

Aye, I had no qualms with my daughters living arrangements.
I’d rather that, than her suffer a failed marriage, besides her mother and I only married in 13, when I left the military (I wanted to continue to see the government off for my pension, if I popped my clogs early)
As long as she wasn’t bed hopping, it was of no concern of mine.
My son however, he can lay as much pipe as he likes. 🤣
Aye, I had no qualms with my daughters living arrangements.
I’d rather that, than her suffer a failed marriage, besides her mother and I only married in 13, when I left the military (I wanted to continue to see the government off for my pension, if I popped my clogs early)
As long as she wasn’t bed hopping, it was if no concern of mine.
My son however, he can lay as much pipe as he likes. 🤣
What was that Irish joke about "Sahara Pipeline" 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Three Italian nuns die and go to heaven.
At the Pearly Gates, they are met by St. Peter. He says "Sisters, you all led such wonderful lives that I'm granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you want to be."
The first nun says, "I want to be Sophia Loren;" and poof she's gone.
The second says, "I want to be Madonna;" and poof she's gone.
The third says, "I want to be Sara Pipalini." St. Peter looks perplexed. "Who?" he says. "Sara Pipalini;" replies the nun. St. Peter shakes his head and says; "I'm sorry, but that name just doesn't ring a bell."
The nun then takes a newspaper out of her habit and hands it to St. Peter. He reads the paper and starts laughing. He hands it back to her and says "No sister, the paper says it was the 'Sahara Pipeline' that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months."

so not Oirish at all at all!!

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